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2014/2015  KAN-CPHIO1084U  Master's Thesis

English Title
Master's thesis


Sprog Dansk
Kursets ECTS 30 ECTS
Type Obligatorisk
Niveau Kandidat
Varighed Et semester
Placering Forår
Tidspunkt Skemaet bliver offentliggjort på calendar.cbs.dk
Studienævnet for HA/cand.merc. i erhvervsøkonomi og filosofi, MSc
  • Kurt Jacobsen - MPP
Primære fagområder
  • Filosofi og videnskabsteori/Philosophy and philosophy of science
Sidst opdateret den 15-08-2014
The student must by him/herself formulate the topic of the masters thesis.
The topic should be chosen to cover relevant subjects of the courses in the programme.
The topic must evolve from a theme or relevant problem which involves both philosophical as well as business economic elements.
Methodological outcome /contribution from methodology
After completing the course students should be able to:
* Handle an iterative process, where processing knowledge and formulating the research question is mutually influential
* Fomulate a research question which can steers and structures the research process and content of the thesis
* Explain the relevance of the formulation of the research questions
* Explain and evaluate the choice of methodology used to answer the research question
* Select and process the theories used for formulating the research question, analysis and conclusion
* Explain and evaluate the choice of theory used to answer the research question
* Select and process primary and secondary sources used as documentation in the analysis
* Explain and evaluate the overall correlations between: the research question, the selection and use of theory, the collection and character of empirical data, the analysis, the conclusion, and the generalizability of the findings
* Discuss the findings of the thesis in the overall perspective of the philosophies of the human and social sciences

To achieve the grade 12, students should meet the following learning objectives with no or only minor mistakes or errors:
  • The thesis integrates and takes advantage of relevant philosophical and business economical elements in answering the research question
  • The thesis is organized to enable the analysis and discussions to be relevant and necessary in order to be able to uncover the research problem
  • The correlation between the research question, the definition, the outline, the analysis and the conclusion is such that the paper seems to be logically answering the research question
  • There is an explanation and evaluation of the overall correlations between: the research question, the selection and use of theory, the collection and character of empirical data (if such exists)
  • The thesis must discuss and evaluate the use of the selected theories, methodology and empirical data (if such exists)
  • There must be consistency in the choice and use of theories and empirical data such that these interacts and complements the production of knowledge (valid for empirical theses only)
  • All claims in the analysis and conclusion is documented and/or discussed
  • The analysis is contextualized within the field of study
  • The analysis is focused, i.e. in depth and forming a synthesis on the grounds of theories and possible empirical data
  • The thesis shows an understanding of the correlations within the context of the topic and discuss and generalize conclusions to other contexts
  • The thesis is based on relevant academic research
  • The thesis discusses the background for the chosen theories, and how this influences the creation of knowledge (valid particularly or exclusively for theoretical theses) The thesis contributes a new perpective, e.g. by applying known theories to new empirical data, or applying new theory to an old topic
Master's Thesis:
Prøvens ECTS 30
Prøveform Mundtlig prøve på baggrund af skriftligt produkt

Det er en forudsætning for at deltage i den mundtlige prøve, at det skriftlige produkt er afleveret inden afholdelse af prøven; inden for fastsat frist. Karakteren gives på baggrund af en helhedsbedømmelse af det skriftlige produkt og den individuelle mundtlige præstation.
Individuel eller gruppeprøve Individuel
It is also possible to write and orally defend the thesis in a group of 2 persons.
Omfang af skriftligt produkt Max. 80 sider
If written in a group of 2 persons, the max. number of pages is 120.
Opgavetype Kandidatspeciale
Skriftligt produkt afleveres på en fastsat dato og tidspunkt.
60 min. pr. studerende, inkl. votering, karaktergivning og begrundelse
Bedømmelsesform 7-trins-skala

Den studerendes stave- og formuleringsevne indgår i den samlede bedømmelse af eksamenspræstationen, dog vægter det faglige indhold tungest.
Bestemmelser vedrørende resuméet English, Danish or another Scandinavian language. The summary counts towards the overall assessment.
Bedømmer(e) Eksaminator og ekstern censor
Eksamensperiode Sommertermin
Samme prøveform som ved ordinær prøve
Kursets indhold, forløb og pædagogik
Sidst opdateret den 15-08-2014