2016/2017 MA-MMBSO1013U Operational Management and Information Technology
English Title | |
Operational Management and Information Technology |
Course information |
Language | English |
Course ECTS | 4.5 ECTS |
Type | Mandatory |
Level | Part Time Master |
Duration | One Quarter |
Start time of the course | Summer |
Timetable | Course schedule will be posted at calendar.cbs.dk |
Study board |
Study Board for Master of Business Administration in Shipping
and Logistics
Course coordinator | |
Main academic disciplines | |
Last updated on 18-08-2016 |
Learning objectives | |||||||||||||||||||||||
To achieve the grade 12, students
should meet the following learning objectives with no or only minor
mistakes or errors:
Examination | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Course content and structure | |||||||||||||||||||||||
This module focuses on Operations Management and IT in the maritime, transportation and logistics industries.
The first part of the module aims at providing participants with abilities / skills to prioritize and lead specific projects targeted at improving business processes of operations in own or any given businesses. Focus is on training of fundamental Lean-Six sigma principles, methods, tools and techniques through exercises and games. Participants are taught how to work with business process simplification, stabilizing, standardisation and maintenance with the aim of reducing waste and adding value to main stakeholders - often measurable as tangible improvements of costs, inventory, quality, delivery time and dependability of business processes within scope.
The second part of the module explains how IT and integrated applications (ERP) enable competitiveness through business process automation, real-time decision support and business or market intelligence. Also the role of internet in creating new business opportunities and relationships to business suppliers or clients is within scope.
Finally, the third part of the module introduces how Operations Management and IT can contribute to the business mission and the competitiveness of a company. Formulation and implementation of Operations and IT strategies with stretch targets but sufficient level of detail and realism to enable operational benefits and performance improvements are important issues. |
Teaching methods | |||||||||||||||||||||||
The module will combine lectures, discussions, group work and case presentations. Participants are requested to read the compulsory reading identified in the programme. They are also encouraged to identify a work related project to which they can apply the theory provided to them during the module. Overall the teaching format relies heavily on the integration of real issues from participants and other companies. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Student workload | |||||||||||||||||||||||