Business, government and civil society are facing complex
sustainability challenges that they cannot solve alone. A momentous
global commitment was reached in 2015 with the adoption of the
United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the
Paris Climate Agreement, with countries chosing to tackle major
development challenges while working toward delivering a future
where nature and people can trhive. These challenges have global
and local, financial, managerial, political, social and
environmental components. Tackling them require strong, trustworthy
and longlasting partnerships between the private and public
sectors, or multi-stakeholder initiatives involving
non-governmental organizations, community-based organizations,
venture capital and universities.
There is an increasing need, and demand for, managers and
employees who have specialist skills, and who can also operate in
multi-disciplinary teams. They need to have developed a common
language and understanding with specialists in other fields so they
can bridge the gaps between science, technology and business
solutions to sustainability. Many scientific discoveries,
technological developments or business innovations on
sustainability fail because of the lack of understanding from
specialist in different fields regarding the complex challenges
that are involved. Business plans can fail because of lack of
understanding of their technological complexities; scientific
breakthroughs may be abandoned or rejected because clearer
communication to the public or the political system is lacking;
policy relevance may be unappreciated and technological innovations
end up financially unfeasible.
This course seeks to strengthen students capabilities to work
toward filling these gaps. It is taught by faculty members
from CBS, KU and DTU (see details below) and is particularly suited
to cultivate interaction between students from these three
universities. The aim is to provide a new generation of specialist
professionals with the relevant skills to properly operate and
communicate in multi-disciplinary teams that seek to tackle and
find innovative solutions to the complex sustainability challenges
society and business face. The course will consist of lectures
from faculty in the three participant universities, active group
work, discussion, presentations and hands-on
exercises; group work include students from all
three universities.
- 33 contact hours organized in 11 blocks (3x45 min each) twice a
- 1 block: joint introduction and overview
- 9 blocks on specific topics (see below), delivered in
rotation at the three participating universities
- 1 block: joint conclusion and sum-up
Provisional programme
- Joint introduction
- Blocks 1-3: Earth system & planetary boundaries
- Earth system and planetary boundaries: Overview
- Global assessments of nine planetary boundaries 1
- Global assessments of nine planetary boundaries 2
- Blocks 4-6: Production systems & system thinking
- Sustainability of products and systems: Introduction
- Frameworks for assessing sustainability of products and
- Societal challenges and environmental economics
- Blocks 7-9: Business and
sustainability (@CBS)
- Consumer behaviour and sustainability
- Business strategy, innovation and entrepreneurship for
- Sustainability governance and business-government-civil society
- Joint conclusion
30 seats for CBS students and 30 seats for credit
Preliminary literature list:
- Andonova, L.B., M. Betsill, and H. Bulkeley (2009)
Transnational Climate Governance, Global Environmental
Politics 9.2: 52-73.
- Bäckstrand, K. (2008) Accountability of Networked Climate
Governance: The Rise of Transnational Climate Partnerships.
Global Environmental Politics 8.3: 74-102.
- Barnosky, Anthony D., et al. (2011) Has the Earth's sixth
mass extinction already arrived? Nature 471.7336:
- Barrett, J., H. Coninck, and C.F.D. Morejon (2014),
Drivers, Trends and Mitigation. Chapter 5, Sect 5.8. In Climate
Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change. IPCC. Cambridge
University Press.
- Bjørn, A., Hauschild, M.Z. (2013) Absolute versus Relative
Environmental Sustainability. Journal of Industrial
Ecology 17: 321-332.
- Borucke M, Moore D, Cranston G, et al. (2013) Accounting
- Bridges, T. S., et al. (2013). Climate change risk management:
a Mental Modeling application. Environment Systems and
Decisions, 33.3: 376–390
- Bruine de Bruin, W., & Bostrom, A. (2013). Assessing what
to address in science communication. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,
110 Suppl, 14062–14068
- Day, G.S., and P.J.H. Schoemaker (2011), Innovating in
uncertain markets: 10 lessons for green technologies, MIT Sloan
Management Review, 52.4: 37-45
- De Vries, W., et al. (2013) Assessing planetary and regional
nitrogen boundaries related to food security and adverse
environmental impacts. Current Opinion in Environmental
Sustainability 5.3: 392-402
- demand and supply of the biosphere’s regenerative capacity: The
National Footprint Accounts' underlying methodology and
framework. Ecological Indicators, 24: 518–533
- Demeritt, D (2002) What is the ‘social construction of nature’?
A typology and sympathetic critique, Progress in Human
Geography, 26.6: 767-790.
- Elkington, J. (2001). Enter the Triple Bottom Line. The
Triple Bottom Line: Does It All Add Up?, 1: 1–16.
- Fleurbaey, M, Kartha, S, Bolwig, et al. (2014) Sustainable
Development and Equity. Chapter 4, Sect. 4.4. In Climate Change
2014: Mitigation of Climate Change. IPCC. Cambridge University
- Fleurbaey, M., S. Kartha, S. Bolwig, et al. (2014), Sustainable
Development and Equity. Chapter 4, Sect. 4.1-4.3 and 4.7-4.8. In
Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change. IPCC.
Cambridge University Press.
- Fransen, L. 2012. Multi-stakeholder governance and voluntary
programme interactions: legitimation politics in the institutional
design of Corporate Social Responsibility. Socio-Economic
Review 10.1: 163–192.
- Goldemberg, J. (1998) Leapfrog energy technologies. Energy
Policy 26.10 (1998): 729-741.
- Guinee, J.B. et al. (2011) Life Cycle Assessment – Past,
Present, and Future, Environmental Science &
Technology 45: 90-96.
- Haapala, K.R. et al. (2013) A Review of Engineering Research in
Sustainable Manufacturing. J Manuf Sci Eng.
2013;135(4):041013. doi:10.1115/1.4024040.
- Hale, T., and C. Roger (2014) Orchestration and Transnational
Climate Governance, Review of International Organizations
9: 59–82.
- Hanjra, M.A., and M.E. Qureshi (2010) Global water crisis and
future food security in an era of climate change. Food
Policy 35.5: 365-377
- Hauschild, M. (2005), Assessing environmental impacts in a
life-cycle perspective. Environmental Science &
Technology 39.4: 81A-88A
- Henriksen, L. and S. Ponte (2015) Public Orchestration, Social
Networks and Transnational Environmental Governance: Lessons from
the Aviation Industry. Under review.
- Hepburn, C. and A. Bowen (2013) Prosperity with growth.
Economic growth, climate change and environmental limits. In
Fouquet, R. (ed). Handbook of Energy and Climate Change,
Edward Edgar.
- Hoegh-Guldberg, O., et al. (2007) Coral reefs under rapid
climate change and ocean acidification. Science 318.5857:
- Hoekstra, A. Y. et al. (2011) The Water Footprint
Assessment Manual - Setting the Global Standard. Earthscan:
Washington, USA
- International Reference Life Cycle Data System Handbook (“ILCD
Handbook”) - General guide for Life Cycle Assessment - Detailed
guidance. First edition March 2010, Chapters tba
- IPCC AR5 Summary Report for policy Makers
- Jackson, T. (2009) Prosperity without Growth.
- Jasanoff, S. (2010) A New Climate for Society, Theory,
Culture and Society, 27.2-3: 233-253.
- Lieb, C.M. (2004) The Environmental Kuznets Curve and Flow
versus Stock Pollution: The Neglect of Future Damages.
Environmental and Resource Economics 29.4: 483-506.n
- Lister, J., R.T. Poulsen and S. Ponte (2015) Orchestrating
Transnational Environmental Governance in Maritime Shipping. Under
- Matzler, K., V. Veider and W. Kathan (2015) Adapting to the
Sharing Economy, MIT Sloan Management Review, 56.2:
- McAloone, T. C. and N. Bey (2009) Environmental improvement
through product development - a guide, Danish EPA, Copenhagen
Denmark, ISBN 978-87-7052-950-1
- McDaniels, D. and F. Bowen. (2011) Total's Carbon Capture
and Storage Project at LACQ (A): Risk Opportunity in Public
Engagement. Harvard Business School Publishing
- Mulder, K. (ed.) (2006) Sustainability for Engineers,
Chapter 1, ‘Why do we need sustainability?’ Greenleaf
Publishing, UK
- Nidumolu, Ram, C. K. Prahalad, and M. R. Rangaswami (2009), Why
sustainability is now the key driver of innovation. Harvard
Business Review 87.9: 56-64
- Orsato, R. (2009) Sustainability Strategies: When Does It
Pay to Be Green? Palgrave, Chapter 2.
- Reinhardt, F.L. (1999), Bringing the Environment Down to Earth,
Harvard Business Review, 77.4: 149-157
- Richardson, K. and W. Steffen (2015). Network of Cooperation
between Science Organisations in Handbook of Science and
Technology Convergence DOI
- Richardson, K., W. Steffen and D. Liverman (2014) The
human-Earth relationship: past, present and future, Ch. 17 in
Climate Change: Global Risks, Challenges and Decisions,
Cambridge University Press.
- Rothenberg, S. (2007), Sustainability Through Servicizing,
MIT Sloan Management Review, 48.2: 83-89
- Searchinger, T., et al. (2008) Use of US croplands for biofuels
increases greenhouse gases through emissions from land-use change.
Science 319.5867: 1238-1240
- Steffen, W., et al. (2015) Planetary boundaries: Guiding human
development on a changing planet. Science 347.6223:
- Thomas, M., et al. (2015). Mental models of sea-level change: A
mixed methods analysis on the Severn Estuary, UK. Global
Environmental Change, 33: 71–82.
- Unruk, G.C. (2000) Understanding carbon lock-in. Energy
Policy 28.12: 817-830.