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2021/2022  KAN-CKOMO1062U  Marketing Campaigns - Managing communication campaigns

English Title
Marketing Campaigns - Managing communication campaigns

Course information

Language English
Course ECTS 15 ECTS
Type Mandatory (also offered as elective)
Level Full Degree Master
Duration One Semester
Start time of the course Spring
Timetable Course schedule will be posted at calendar.cbs.dk
Study board
Study Board for BSc/MSc in Business Administration and Organizational Communication, MSc
Course coordinator
  • Viktor Smith - Department of Management, Society and Communication (MSC)
Main academic disciplines
  • Communication
  • Marketing
  • Strategy
Teaching methods
  • Face-to-face teaching
Last updated on 01-07-2021

Relevant links

Learning objectives
  • reflect upon campaigns (a) as an institution and form of organization in communication practice (b) and the different ways they are conceived across communication disciplines (PR, advertising, IMC, public communication e.g.)
  • design, coordinate and implement effective communication campaigns (a) selecting, applying and linking relevant theories and methods (b) motivating choice of theories and methods
  • identify and articulate campaign objectives (a) with reference to communication strategy (b) and corporate strategy
  • carry out stakeholder analysis (a) identify relevant stakeholders (b) relate stakeholder interests and campaign purposes
  • carry out market analysis, focusing on consumer insights (a) designing and conducting empirical studies (b) basing campaign proposals on empirical studies
  • developing campaign proposal and plan for implementation, (a) identifying target audiences and communication strategies (b) select and apply relevant campaign targets
  • consider central issues of campaign management, including (a) media strategy, (b) creative input (c) budgeting, (d) intercultural integration/adaptation/coordination, (e) sustainability and ethics, (f) campaign organization and coordination
  • evaluate campaign effectiveness (a) choose, apply, and justify appropriate criteria of evaluation, (b) choose and justify relevant empirical data, (c) propose improvements of campaigns based on evaluations
  • communicate results in a scientifically valid manner, including: (a) proper and consistent use of academic language, (b) correct use of references, (c) presenting all parts of the assignment in a coherent and well-argued manner
Marketing Campaigns - Managing communication campaigns:
Exam ECTS 15
Examination form Oral exam based on written product

In order to participate in the oral exam, the written product must be handed in before the oral exam; by the set deadline. The grade is based on an overall assessment of the written product and the individual oral performance, see also the rules about examination forms in the programme regulations.
Individual or group exam Individual oral exam based on written group product
Number of people in the group 2-5
Size of written product Max. 20 pages
The exam can be taken individually or in groups of 2-5 students.

If the student writes alone, the length of written assignment must be max. 10 standard pages.
Assignment type Written assignment
Written product to be submitted on specified date and time.
20 min. per student, including examiners' discussion of grade, and informing plus explaining the grade
Grading scale 7-point grading scale
Examiner(s) Internal examiner and second internal examiner
Exam period Summer
Make-up exam/re-exam
Same examination form as the ordinary exam
Re-take due to illness: A student, who has attended the work of a previous handed in assignment, but is ill at the ordinary oral exam, will attend the re-take with the ordinary assignment (the assignment must be handed in again by the date of the hand in is set by the Study Secretariat).

A student, who has not participated in the work of a previous handed in assignment, must hand in a new assignment before the oral exam. The date of the hand in is set by the Study Secretariat.

If the student did not pass the ordinary exam, he/she must make a new assignment and hand it in on a new deadline, specified by the secretariat, before the re-take.
Description of the exam procedure

Groups of 3-5 students are recommended.


The written assignment must account for the theoretical framework and the empirical methods on the basis of which the case is analyzed as well as discuss the implications and limitations of these choices. This includes reflections on data gathering and the relationship between theory and practice in relation to Marketing Campaigns. As such the written assignment forms a theoretical and methodological foundation under the practical case work.


The written product is to be handed in on a given date following last lecture.

Course content, structure and pedagogical approach

Course content
The course investigates campaigns as institutions and organizing devices in market communication in practice. It confronts students with challenges, roles, relationships and inputs of different actors in the process of developing and executing campaigns from initiation to evaluation and follow-up. The aim is to enable students to contribute in various capacities to produce effective marketing communication and reflect upon the strategic context, social dynamics, specialist skills and knowledge of campaign work. 


The course examines various types of communication campaigns (in terms of e.g. objectives, openness and level of engagement, media, sector), while exploring trends towards convergence and more agile, interactive, precisely targeted, cross media, content-driven approaches anchored in digital media. The course places particular emphasis on the actors at various levels and organizational arrangements behind campaigns, (marcom) departmental authority and mandate, client-agency relations, affiliation of professionals to communities of practice and peer networks, audience and customer or other stakeholder groups, account teams and project groups whether organizations (such as advertising agencies, marketing and corporate communication departments, media providers), groups (account teams, consumer or activities) and professionals (CMOs, account managers, account planners, creative workers, digital and media specialists) .


Finally, the course has a methodological component focusing on the one hand qualitative methods for generating insights into target consumers and audience responses to inform creative development as well as quantitative methods of data gathering for tracking and documenting the impact of campaigns. The methodological part consists of theoretical and hands-on elements of field work and data analysis.
Teaching methods
The teaching of the course consists of lectures, case discussion tutorials, and method workshops. Guest lecturers will introduce and discuss contexts, organization, processes and outcomes of campaigns. A key learning activity is the live case pitch, which simulate campaign development and coordination. It pits opposing student 'agency' groups guided by tutorial lecturers against each other in a competitive pitches for the account of a real case company.  .

Description of the teaching methods
Lectures, seminars (case), live case pitch-assignment, workshops (methodology)
Feedback during the teaching period
Instructor and peer feedback on case preparation, analysis and discussion in tutorials
Constructive feedback on live pitch strategy (coach) and dry run (coach and/or guest consultant) and pitch delivery (client team)
Student workload
Lectures 28 hours
Exercises 26 hours
Workshops 6 hours
Preparation, cases and exam 352 hours
Total 412 hours
Expected literature

Articles and book chapters in compendium og readings


Andersen, S. E., & Johansen, T. S. (2014). Cause-related marketing 2.0: Connection, collaboration and commitment. Journal of Marketing Communications, 1-20.


Arnould, E. J., and A. Epp. (2006) “Deep engagement with consumer experience”. In Grover, Rajiv, and Marco Vriens, eds. The handbook of marketing research: uses, misuses, and future advances. Sage, 2006. 51-82.


Belk, R., Fischer, E., & Kozinets, R. V. (2012). Qualitative consumer and marketing research. Sage. 1-15, 31-91


Browne, S. et al. (2014) “Adapting a book to make a film: how strategy is adapted through professional practices of marketing middle managers”, Journal of Marketing Management, 30:9-10, 949-973


Cornelissen, J. (2014). Corporate Communication. A Guide to Theory and Practice. 4th ed. London: Sage. Ch. 2 & 6.


Couldry, N. and Turow, J. (2014) “Advertising, big data and the clearance of the public realm: marketers' new approaches to the content subsidy”. International Journal of Communication, 8 . pp. 1710-1726


Fill, C. and Turnbull, S., eds. (2016) Marketing communications :discovery, creation and conversations. 7th edition. Pearson, London. Ch. 8 & 20


Feldwick, P. (2007). “Account planning: its history, and its significance for ad agencies”. The Sage Handbook of Advertising. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 184-198.


Gambetti, R. et al. (2015): Brand wars: consumer–brand engagement beyond client–agency fights, Journal of Strategic Marketing, 1-14.


Google/DoubleClick (2014), “The programmatic revolution. How Technology Is Transforming Marketing” AdAge Sept 2014


Grewal, Dhruv, et al. (2016), "Mobile advertising: a framework and research agenda." Journal of Interactive Marketing 34 (2016): 3-14.


Hackley, C. (2010). Theorizing advertising: Managerial, scientific and cultural approaches. The Sage handbook of marketing theory, 89-107.


Hanssens, D. M., & Pauwels, K. H. (2016). Demonstrating the Value of Marketing. Journal of Marketing, 80(6), 173-190.


Kendall, Nick (2016), How to develop an effective global brand strategy, Warc Best Practice, October 2016, 1-11.


Kotler, P., Hessekiel, D., & Lee, N. (2012). Good Works!: Marketing and Corporate Initiatives that Build a Better World... and the Bottom Line. John Wiley & Sons. 21-45.


Lemon, K. N., & Verhoef, P. C. (2016). Understanding customer experience throughout the customer journey. Journal of Marketing, 80(6), 69-96.


McConnell, Ted (2016) The Programmatic Primer: An overview of the online advertising ecosystem. WARC


Meitz, T. G. K., & Zurstiege, G. (2014). Strategy in Advertising. The Routledge Handbook of Strategic Communication, 370-382.


Moorman, C. and Day, G. S. (2016) “Organizing for Marketing Excellence.” Journal of Marketing: November 2016, Vol. 80, No. 6, pp. 6-35.


Moriarty & Schultz (2012), “Four Theories of How IMC works” Rodgers, S., & Thorson, E. (Eds.). (2012). Advertising theory. London: Routledge. 491-505


Nyilasy, G., Canniford, R., & J. Kreshel, P. (2013). Ad agency professionals' mental models of advertising creativity. European Journal of Marketing, 47(10), 1691-1710.


Ots, M., & Nyilasy, G. (2015). “Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC): Why Does It Fail?”. Journal of Advertising Research, 55(2), 132-145.


Peters, Kay et al. (2013) “Social Media Metrics — A Framework and Guidelines for Managing Social Media”, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Volume 27, Issue 4, November 2013, Pages 281-298


Phillips, B. J., McQuarrie, E. F., & Griffin, W. G. (2014). The face of the brand: how art directors understand visual brand identity. Journal of Advertising, 43(4), 318-332.


Sasser, S. L., & Koslow, S. (2012). Creativity and ad theory. in Rodgers, S., & Thorson, E. (Eds.) Advertising theory, New York Routledge, 191-211.


Schultz, Don (2016) “The Future of Advertising or Whatever We're Going to Call It”, Journal of Advertising, 45:3, 276-285


Storey, R. & E. Smith (2007), “The Creative Brief and its Strategic Role in the Campaign Development Process”, Chapter 11 in Tellis, G. & Ambler, T., The Sage Handbook of Advertising. London: Sage Publications, 171-183.


Turnbull, S. (2014). “The Pitch Process: Toward a Greater Understanding of How Clients Select Their Advertising Agencies”. International Journal Of Research In Business And Technology, 5(2), 603-608.


Turnbull, S. & Wheeler, C. (2015). “The advertising creative process: A study of UK agencies”. Journal of Marketing Communications, 1-19.


Vernuccio, M., & Ceccotti, F. (2015). Strategic and organisational challenges in the integrated marketing communication paradigm shift: A holistic vision. European Management Journal, 33(6), 438-449.


Visconti, Luca & M. Ucok-Hughes (2012) “Segmentation and Targeting Reloaded” in Penaloza, Toulouse & Visconti (ed.) Marketing Management: A Cultural Perspective. 955-314


Waller, D.S. (2004), “Developing an account-management lifecycle for advertising agency-client relationships”, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Vol. 22 Iss: 1, 95 – 112.


West, D., Caruana, A., & Leelapanyalert, K. (2013). “What Makes Win, Place, or Show? Judging Creativity in Advertising at Award Shows”. Journal of Advertising Research, 53(3), 1-23.


West, D., Ford, J. B., & Farris, P. W. (2014). How corporate cultures drive advertising and promotion budgets. Journal of Advertising Research, 54(2), 149-162.


Zerfass, A., & Dühring, L. (2012). Between Convergence and Power Struggles. Public Relations Journal, 6(5), 1-31.


Last updated on 01-07-2021