The entrepreneur himself/herself or the start-up is the point of
departure of the course. We map the demographic pattern of
entrepreneurial activity by studying the social-psychology of
entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship, by reviewing gender effect and
by examining predisposition elements of the entrepreneur. We
scrutinize how individuals build entrepreneurial skills and the
factors that shape the individuals’ capacity to develop the ability
to identify opportunities. We then move on to consider the firm
level by investigating why the entrepreneurial spirit varies across
firms and what finally defines a successful start-up or small
business. We consider the role of venture capital in shaping
entrepreneurship and address how geography plays a role in
determining the level of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial
survival rates. The course also contains a section on how to
develop a business plan. We provide examples of factual business
plans illustrating the usage, applicability and value of such
Among the questions raised and discussed are:
Who are entrepreneurs?
What is a business plan and what is its role?
What does the successful venture look like?
Does geographic location matter?
How does founder’s prior experience shape the survival of the
Does innovation automatically foster successful entrepreneurship?
Entrepreneurship involves among other things creating new
businesses, developing business plans, recognising, capturing and
exploiting opportunities, and assessing the advantages and
disadvantages of a start-up. The Entrepreneurship and Small
Businesses course provides students with the skills to conduct in
depth analysis of entrepreneurial ventures, assess self-employment
opportunities, and develop well-founded, reliable and sensible
business plans. The overall intention is to provide students with
the required tools to become visionary entrepreneurs or small
business analysts who posses the ability to recognize both
potentials and pitfalls of new ventures. Aiming at this, we
introduce students to concepts like demographic context, geographic
locations, predisposition effects, competitive pressures that
represent useful and valuable data for any individual that wish to
analyse existing or planned ventures for own or others
Koehn, Nancy F. (2001) Brand New: How Entrepreneurs Earned
Consumer’ Trust from Wedgewood to Dell. Cambridge: Harvard Business
School Press.
Blanchflower, D. G. & Oswald, A. J. (1998). What Makes An
Entrepreneur?, Journal of Labour Economics, 16(1): 26-60
Ruef, M., Aldrich, H., & Carter, N. (2003). The Structure of
Founding Teams: Homophily, Strong Ties, and Isolation Among U.S.
Entrepreneurs, American Sociological Review, 68, 195-222.
Shane, S. & Cable, D. (2002). Network Ties, Reputation and the
Financing of New Ventures, Management Science, 48(3): 364-381
Dahl, M. S. & Reichstein, T. (2007) Are You Experienced? -
Prior Experience of Managers and the Survival of New Organizations,
Industry and Innovation, Vol. 14(5), pp.