To achieve the grade 12, students
should meet the following learning objectives with no or only minor
mistakes or errors: The student should be able to :
- Compare current debates around open vs. closed innovation
- Explain innovation-relevant theories with attention to their
assumptions, causal dynamics and processes
- Categorize distributed sources of innovation, their
characteristics, implications and search approaches for identifying
knowledge located in these sources
- Discuss ethical issues, complexities and hurdles surrounding
various approaches of open vs. closed Innovation and devise
strategic action plans to overcome them
Innovation increasingly takes place through communities and
platforms driven by “crowds” of developers and problem solvers. At
the same time their outputs and products of the crowd contexts have
come to shape the daily life of many of the world’s inhabitants. In
some of the most dynamic sectors of the modern economy, such as,
apps for smartphones, video games, media content, scientific and
technical problems solving, companies’ overall performance already
rely on individuals located outside the organization to become
crucial sources of modules, ideas, tasks, and procedures. In their
attempts to access and leverage these sources of innovation it is
now quite common for companies employ more open forms of
innovation, and try to “orchestrate” innovative communities. While
these “open approaches” have rapidly diffused, creating a wealth of
opportunities, it is obviously crucial how companies manage to
access and leverage these distributed sources of innovation. From
this point of departure, the course will develop the conceptual
foundations, frameworks and methods for analyzing the relationships
between communities and firms.
The course will first give an introduction to distributed sources
of innovation (inside and outside organizational boundaries), their
characteristics and good-practice examples. An aspect that will
particularly be highlighted is the role of users as a source of
innovation. The phenomenon of user innovation will be analyzed on
the individual (e.g. lead user approach) and the network level
(innovation communities). It will be discussed what the interplay
between innovation, exploration, exploitation, and search, and the
growing importance of efficient search approaches across external
sources of innovation is. More specifically, the concepts of local
vs. distant search and related search methods for accessing and
leveraging innovation-related knowledge in distributed sources
(e.g. crowdsourcing) will be introduced. Finally, open vs. closed
innovation models focusing on outside-in processes will be
introduced and discussed.
Then focus will be on firm responses to outside communities’
development activities, inside community processes and dynamics,
how to access and leverage innovation communities, how to manage
and strategize in this context, and how to foster communities as
well as create related fitting business models.