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2018/2019  BA-BBLCO1245U  British and American Studies 2

English Title
British and American Studies 2

Course information

Language English
Course ECTS 7.5 ECTS
Type Mandatory
Level Bachelor
Duration One Semester
Start time of the course Autumn
Timetable Course schedule will be posted at calendar.cbs.dk
Study board
Study Board for BSc and MSc in Business, Language and Culture, BSc
Course coordinator
  • Department of International Business Communication
    Kevin McGovern - Department of Management, Society and Communication (MSC)
Main academic disciplines
  • International political economy
  • Language
Teaching methods
  • Face-to-face teaching
Last updated on 12-06-2018

Relevant links

Learning objectives
  • Describe and analyze developments in and competing models of regional integration in Europe and the Americas
  • Discuss the central issues concerning UK/US discourses on regionalism
  • Critically relate trade and regional integration theories to regionalism and regionalization
  • Explain policy positions on relevant issues in view of economic, political and ideological factors
  • Develop an independent and lucid argument on topics within the content of the course
  • Language:
  • Use a wide range of vocabulary, both general and specific to the subject matter
  • Pronounce the language in a manner that facilitates communication
  • Employ linguistic styles appropriate to academic English
  • Communicate precisely and fluently on complex topics
British and American Studies 2:
Exam ECTS 7,5
Examination form Oral exam based on written product

In order to participate in the oral exam, the written product must be handed in before the oral exam; by the set deadline. The grade is based on an overall assessment of the written product and the individual oral performance.
Individual or group exam Individual oral exam based on written group product
Number of people in the group 2-4
Size of written product Max. 3 pages
Students are allowed to hand in their synopsis individually.
Assignment type Synopsis
Written product to be submitted on specified date and time.
30 min. per student, including examiners' discussion of grade, and informing plus explaining the grade
Grading scale 7-step scale
Examiner(s) Internal examiner and external examiner
Exam period Winter
Make-up exam/re-exam
Same examination form as the ordinary exam
Course content and structure

This course provides students with some of the knowledge and skills necessary for working in markets or organizations in the UK and the US that engage in cross-border activities. The course begins by examining trade theory, and devotes attention to especially US trade policy. However, the main focus of the course is on the political economy of regional integration in the cases of the US and the UK, examining the development of policy coordination and regulation of trade, investment, the environment, the macroeconomy, and security issues in regional arenas, yet in the context of both regionalization and globalization processes. With reference to the respective roles and interests of the UK and the US, competing models of regional integration in Europe and the Americas are analyzed.


For example, in the case of the US, regional co-operation in the form of NAFTA and the extension of this model through bilateral agreements with other Latin American countries, such as Chile, Peru, Colombia and DR-CAFTA, is criticized by some for being too narrowly focused on free trade and investor protection. This contrasts with the EU, where supranational institutions are vested with powers to coordinate a range of economic, social and environmental policy areas. Yet the EU has suffered a series of crises in recent years, and now faces the prospect of Brexit. The course thereby covers tensions and debates relating to the processes of deepening and widening integration in the Americas and Europe, and the possible reversal of these.


While the issues in focus are mainly derived from the literature of international political economy, the course also relates to cultures and identities as relevant to economic and political integration. Emphasis is placed on the importance of critical reflection on the theories and concepts taught, and issues are examined from multiple perspectives, such as those of business, labour, consumers and environmentalists. Finally, the course has a strong emphasis on the accumulation of subject-specific concepts and vocabulary, as well as speaking and writing the English language accurately, fluently, and in a manner appropriate to discussing complex issues at an advanced level.

Description of the teaching methods
The course consists of a combination of lectures and classes, with the latter organised around student presentations of the assigned texts. In each class session, a 10-15 minute student presentation (normally 2-3 students) forms the basis of the ensuing discussion of the text(s). Presentations and class discussions are meant to complement rather than repeat the readings. Furthermore, the presentations enable the teacher to give each student individual feedback, both on his/her grasp of the content and on proficiency in English. It should be stressed that the reading load is fairly demanding.
Feedback during the teaching period
Student feedback will occur regularly throughout the course via exercise classes, in which there will be weekly presentations by students as well as set questions on the texts. Written feedback will also be provided when essays are returned. Students are also encouraged to participate fully and engage in two-way communication in exercise classes, and as far as possible lectures too. Lecturers will also strive to be readily available for a one-to-one dialogue in both lecture/lesson breaks and following each lecture/lesson. Students are also welcome to take advantage of office hours.
Student workload
Lectures 18 hours
Exercises 24 hours
Preparation and exams 164 hours
Total 206 hours
Expected literature

To be announced on Learn

Last updated on 12-06-2018