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2019/2020  KAN-CICOO1009U  Project in International Business Communication

English Title
Project in International Business Communication

Course information

Language English
Course ECTS 7.5 ECTS
Type Mandatory
Level Full Degree Master
Duration One Semester
Start time of the course Spring
Timetable Course schedule will be posted at calendar.cbs.dk
Study board
Study Board for Master of Arts (MA) in International Business Communication in English
Course coordinator
  • Alex Klinge - Department of Management, Society and Communication (MSC)
  • Margrethe Mondahl - Department of Management, Society and Communication (MSC)
Main academic disciplines
  • Communication
  • Marketing
  • Organisation
Teaching methods
  • Face-to-face teaching
Last updated on 06-05-2020

Relevant links

Learning objectives
At the end of the course, students are expected to be able to
  • Make informed methodological choices and motivate these;
  • Include one or more theories related to the research question in order to develop concrete hypotheses or to explain the findings;
  • Identify relevant challenges in intercultural marketing or organizational communication;
  • Write up a group based, empirically based project that relates to an organizational / inter-cultural marketing challenge that the students have identified using appropriate communi-cation strategies and demonstrating high English language competences;
  • Critically analyze empirical data from a relevant theoretical point of departure and have a well-reasoned research question, which delimits the field of research and provides a clear direction for the study;
  • Reflect on issues and findings in organizational communication or intercultural marketing that have been identified as challenges.
Project in International Business Communication:
Exam ECTS 7,5
Examination form Home assignment - written product
Individual or group exam Individual exam
Size of written product Please see text below
Assignment type Project
Duration Written product to be submitted on specified date and time.
Grading scale 7-point grading scale
Examiner(s) Internal examiner and external examiner
Exam period Summer
Make-up exam/re-exam
Same examination form as the ordinary exam
The re-take takes place as the ordinary exam, on the basis of the same, an improved, or a new project report.

If the student has handed in his/her project on time, but is ill at the second written part (the hand-in of the individual questions), he/she can register for the re-take with the same project within the same exam period (the project report must be uploaded to DE again). The second part of the exam follows the procedure of the ordinary exam.

If the student for any other reason does not go complete the individual hand-in of individual questions or if the student does not pass the ordinary exam, he or she will answer a new set of individual questions on a new date. (The project report must be uploaded to DE again)
Description of the exam procedure

The maximum number of pages for the project is 20 pages. The second part of the hand-in (explained below) will have a maximum of 5 pages.


The exam falls into two parts: 1) a collective project prepared and submitted by the members of a group of students and 2) an individual paper by each student answering a set of questions uploaded to him or her individually, enquiring into the project. Details/process regarding hand-in will be given to you via Canvas/DE.


On the date set as deadline for the project, the students individually e-mail the exam-coordinator (mail address will be provided via Canvas/Digital Exam).

On the subsequent date set for the individual answers, each student uploads his or her individual answers together with another submission on DE of a facsimile of the project submitted earlier. This second submission of the project and individual answers constitutes the exam.

Course content, structure and pedagogical approach

The course prepares students for thesis work and allows students to topic-wise draw on MA IBC courses that they have taken or are taking in their 2nd semester. Students select a topic of interest and work in groups of 3-4 students. The purpose of the course is to enhance students’ ability to conduct a theoretically, methodologically and empirically well—founded research of a business relevant topic. The student groups freely choose a research question within the limits of the themes covered by the IBC courses. The research question must relate to business and marketing /organizational communication situations broadly understood.


Students are introduced to methods in marketing and organizational communication analysis to enable them to make informed choices as regards answering a research question addressing a marketing or organizational challenge that they have identified.

Description of the teaching methods
Following introductory lectures, students subdivide into groups or clusters, which will address more specific issues and challenges related to their project. Supervision and tutorials/workshops constitute the bulk of course work together with the study of methods and challenges in methodological choice(s).
Supervision is taken care of by course teachers from either the ICM line or the MCO line supplemented by lecturers, who have special methodology seminar competences.

The supervisor assigned to each group will assist with formulation of the research question, choice of theory, method, data collection, data analysis and the structure of the paper. Students and supervisors meet on a regular basis.
The project groups are expected to send drafts or preliminary notes to the
supervisor before each meeting.

Students are required to work in groups of 3-4 students, and students are encouraged to start looking for writing partners as early as possible. In the event that students are unable to find writing partners and form groups of 3-4, students must contact the Study Board who will then help them form groups of 3-4 members. A formal application for dispensation is required for students to be allowed to work in groups of fewer than 3-4 members, and dispensations are not given unless students have an extraordinary reason to apply for a dispensation.

Students are required to upload information about group members, topic and name of supervisor to CBS Learn no later than in week 10.
Feedback during the teaching period
Feedback is given in the form of supervision:

Supervision is allocated as following:

3 students: 10.5 hours

4 students: 14 hours
Student workload
Participation in introductory lectures 8 hours
Preparation for introductory lectures 24 hours
Group work and supervisor contact 197 hours
Further Information

Students are required to fill in and submit a form stating the names and student group numbers of the project group members, an outline of their topic as well as the name of their supervisor not later than in week 10 of the spring semester. A catalogue of supervisors for the MA-IBC programmes can be found on CBS Learn.

Last updated on 06-05-2020