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2020/2021  BA-BEBUO1019U  Europe and Global Megatrends

English Title
Europe and Global Megatrends

Course information

Language English
Course ECTS 7.5 ECTS
Type Mandatory
Level Bachelor
Duration One Semester
Start time of the course Spring
Timetable Course schedule will be posted at calendar.cbs.dk
Study board
Study Board for BSc in European Business
Course coordinator
  • whole
    Cornel Ban - Department of Organization (IOA)
Main academic disciplines
  • International political economy
  • Organisation
  • Political Science
Teaching methods
  • Blended learning
Last updated on 30/12/2020

Relevant links

Learning objectives
  • Develop deep knowledge about megatrends and their impact on the European business context.
  • Describe key megatrends affecting Europe as opportunities and constraints for business and society.
  • Analyze how EU business and EU institutions could address the challenges posed by the megatrends.
  • Define and analyze a specific and business-related problem pertaining to the megatrends taught in the the course drawing upon a range of qualitative and quantitative sources.
  • Communicate and discuss the research results clearly, using appropriate terms and concepts.
Europe and Global Megatrends:
Exam ECTS 7.5
Examination form Home assignment - written product
Individual or group exam Individual exam
Size of written product Max. 5 pages
Assignment type Written assignment
Duration 48 hours to prepare
Grading scale 7-point grading scale
Examiner(s) One internal examiner
Exam period Summer and Summer
Make-up exam/re-exam
Same examination form as the ordinary exam
The student can choose either to resubmit the original assignment with amendments or to write a new one.
Course content, structure and pedagogical approach

Content overview


This course is a form of applied scholarship that deals with global megatrends. Megatrends are systemic changes in the conventional ways of approaching key challenges situated at the intersection of business and society in the European context.


Specifically, the course explores the fundamentals of select environmental, economic and societal megatrends as they manifest themselves in Europe and assist students with writing in practical ways about the challenges posed by these megatrends.


In terms of structure, the first part of the course will introduce the concept of megatrends as a useful way to frame, understand and practically deal with drastic, systemic and global transformations of the extent political, societal and economic order.


Next, the course will use peer reviewed articles, podcasts, policy studies and case studies to zoom into specific megatrends affecting Europe: the crisis of hyper globalized trade and finance, demographic upheaval, the climate crisis, the rise of green finance, techonomic cold wars , financial instability, digitalisation, growing inequality and globalized tax avoidance. This part of the course also looks at how each of these is currently addressed by EU governance institutions and processes. Since the emphasis falls on the contemporary relevance of megatrends, the specific choice of the megatrends will vary from year to year and will be presented in the course plan on CBS Canvas. 


Thus, the course builds on the comparative political economy approach used in Denmark in Comparative Perspective and the Political Economy of European States by teaching students how to translate the insights of that literature into concrete interventions and business opportunities for firms in the European context.




Pedagogically, the course aims to bolster students' capacity to integrate previous EB courses and translate their insights and knowledge into the practical platform of short corporate memo conceived in an online environment that multiplies opportunities for collaboration across research teams.


This memo is a loan concept whereby you pitch a business idea to be funded by an EU-level lender such as the European Investment Bank or InvestEU. Learning to write these memos is essential for acquiring the entrepreneurial knowledge required to address the challenges to humanity and Europe that these megatrends represent.

All content is online. There will be live lectures (to be recorded and posted after the lecture) as well as podcasts. There will be weekly "walk in" online consultation hours as well as collective feedback on a one-page loan concept pitch to be submitted midway through the course.

Finally, the course builds upon specific Nordic Nine values ​​and competencies such as creating value from global connections for local communities while thinking critically; placing deep business knowledge in a broad context while thinking about how to protect the prosperity of next generations; being critical when thinking and constructive when collaborating; learning to recognize humanity's challenges and acquiring the entrepreneurial knowledge to help resolve them; understanding ethical dilemmas and having the leadership values ​​to overcome them; being analytical with data and curious about ambiguity; having deep business knowledge placed in a broad context. Each module focuses on specific values ​​and competencies of this kind.




Description of the teaching methods
Health emergency circumstances permitting, online and offline course content will be combined in bespoke ways. The instructor will upload pre-recorded lectures, leaving the classroom time for activities whereby students benefit the most from lectures and direct interaction. The lectures will be recorded and posted on Canvas. In some weeks, the lectures will be followed by structured exercises whose content is posted on the syllabus.Peer grading of the one page corporate memo will accompany collective feedback from the instructor.
Feedback during the teaching period
All groups receive collective feedback on the one page corporate memo to be posted on week 12.

Student workload
Preparation time 150 hours
Lectures 32 hours
Exam 24 hours
Further Information

All content is online. There will be live lectures (to be recorded and posted after the lecture) as well as podcasts. There will be weekly "walk in" online consultation hours as well as collective feedback on a one-page loan concept pitch to be submitted midway through the course.

Expected literature

See syllabus.

Last updated on 30/12/2020

Course information

Language English
Course ECTS 7.5 ECTS
Type Mandatory
Level Bachelor
Duration One Semester
Start time of the course Spring
Timetable Course schedule will be posted at calendar.cbs.dk
Study board
Study Board for BSc in European Business
Course coordinator
  • whole
    Cornel Ban - Department of Organization (IOA)
Main academic disciplines
  • International political economy
  • Organisation
  • Political Science
Teaching methods
  • Blended learning
Last updated on 30/12/2020