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2022/2023  MA-MMBDV2103U  Cybersecurity: A Management Perspective

English Title
Cybersecurity: A Management Perspective

Course information

Language English
Course ECTS 6 ECTS
Type Elective
Level Part Time Master
Duration One Semester
Start time of the course Autumn
Timetable Course schedule will be posted at calendar.cbs.dk
Min. participants 10
Max. participants 30
Study board
Study Board for Master i forretningsudvikling
Course coordinator
  • Irfan Kanat - Department of Digitalisation
  • Jan Damsgaard - Department of Digitalisation
  • Xiao Xiao - Department of Digitalisation
Main academic disciplines
  • Corporate governance
  • Information technology
  • Management
Teaching methods
  • Face-to-face teaching
Last updated on 16-06-2022

Relevant links

Learning objectives
  • Understand common tools, techniques, and procedures employed by threat actors.
  • Be able to communicate the complex series of events that make up a cybersecurity incident.
  • Offer suggestions for improvement that can address cyber risk.
  • Understand the regulatory landscape surrounding cyber security.
Course prerequisites
The course is relevant to managers and executives of all stripes. Cybersecurity is not just an IT issue, but an organization-wide effort and managers at all levels need to understand the fundamentals of cybersecurity to do their part in keeping the lights on. Similarly, the field of cybersecurity is an interdisciplinary field and requires a broad range of talent with backgrounds from communication to computer science. Therefore, professionals who would like to gain a holistic understanding of cybersecurity, and increase their knowledge and space of action in relation to the management perspective of cybersecurity, should attend this course.
Prerequisites for registering for the exam (activities during the teaching period)
Number of compulsory activities which must be approved (see section 13 of the Programme Regulations): 1
Exam ECTS 6
Examination form Oral exam based on written product

In order to participate in the oral exam, the written product must be handed in before the oral exam; by the set deadline. The grade is based on an overall assessment of the written product and the individual oral performance, see also the rules about examination forms in the programme regulations.
Individual or group exam Individual exam
Size of written product Max. 10 pages
pages of PowerPoint, The participants have to prepare the Power Point before the exam
Assignment type Project
Written product to be submitted on specified date and time.
20 min. per student, including examiners' discussion of grade, and informing plus explaining the grade
Grading scale 7-point grading scale
Examiner(s) Internal examiner and second internal examiner
Exam period Winter
Make-up exam/re-exam Home assignment - written product
Size of written product: Max. 10 pages
Assignment type: Case based assignment
Duration: Written product to be submitted on specified date and time.
Course content, structure and pedagogical approach

Cybersecurity has moved from being an IT concern to becoming an organizational concern. Securing the organization requires an organization wide effort and our course focuses on managerial aspects of this effort, such as risk management, cybersecurity program management, policy and regulation. While all fields of cybersecurity face a shortage of talent, it is most significant in the governance of cybersecurity efforts. This creates unique challenges and opportunities for advancement. Through the course, we will blend in lectures, hands on technical workshops, and case study discussions to bring our students up to speed on the latest in management perspective of cybersecurity.

Description of the teaching methods
We will make use of lectures, guest presentations, discussions, simulations and exercises.
Feedback during the teaching period
Feedback will be given during lectures and exam.
Student workload
Prearation 118 hours
Lectures 32 hours
Last updated on 16-06-2022