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2024/2025  BA-BIBAO2022U  Research Project - International Business in Asia

English Title
Research Project - International Business in Asia

Course information

Language English
Course ECTS 7.5 ECTS
Type Mandatory
Level Bachelor
Duration One Semester
Start time of the course Spring
Timetable Course schedule will be posted at calendar.cbs.dk
Study board
Study Board for BSc in Business, Asian Language and Culture
Course coordinator
  • Faith Hatani - Department of International Economics, Goverment and Business (EGB)
Main academic disciplines
  • Globalisation and international business
  • Methodology and philosophy of science
Teaching methods
  • Blended learning
Last updated on 12-06-2024

Relevant links

Learning objectives
Each student in a group must demonstrate the ability to:
  • Formulate a relevant research question about international business concerning the Asian context.
  • Apply a relevant theoretical framework and provide a well-focused literature review on the chosen topic.
  • Use qualitative methods in data collection and provide empirical analysis systematically and consistently. (Using quantitative methods is permitted as an alternative, only if the supervisor agrees.)
  • Elaborate on in-depth analysis of key findings and provide academically sound justifications.
  • Develop logical discussion and coherent arguments by clearly addressing the research question set.
  • Present a written product in a relevant academic style thoroughly, including the writing style, the referencing style, and the appropriate use of academic sources.
Course prerequisites
In this course, students should continue with the same groups that they formed in the 1st-year course "Research Methods I: Introduction to Qualitative Methods" ("RM-1") in the IBA Programme.
In the rare case that your group in RM-1 had 5 students or more, the group must be split into two smaller groups.
Research Project - International Business in Asia:
Exam ECTS 7,5
Examination form Home assignment - written product
Individual or group exam Group exam
Please note the rules in the Programme Regulations about identification of individual contributions.
Number of people in the group 2-4
Size of written product Please see text below
2 students: maximum 30 pages
3 students: maximum 35 pages
4 students: maximum 40 pages
(A group with 5 students or more is not allowed in any case.)

Regarding how the pages are counted at CBS, see "Standard page" in the section "Formal requirements" on SharePoint. For more details and specific rules of this course, please comply with the "2yr-project Guide", which is provided in Canvas at the beginning of the course.
Assignment type Project
Release of assignment Subject chosen by students themselves, see guidelines if any
Duration Written product to be submitted on specified date and time.
Grading scale 7-point grading scale
Examiner(s) Internal examiner and external examiner
Exam period Summer
Make-up exam/re-exam
Same examination form as the ordinary exam
Please note that no supervision is provided for retakes. Supervision is offered only for the project period of this course during the given semester (until the submission deadline for the ordinary exam), and supervision cannot be transferred or extended to a retake.
Description of the exam procedure

The 2nd-year project is a group-based work and the final output must be submitted by the group as a whole (i.e., one submission per group). However, individual performance will be evaluated, thereby the members of a group could potentially receive different grades. Hence, individual contributions must be indicated clearly at the beginning of the final written product.

Each project is assessed by an internal examiner (normally the supervisor) and an external examiner independently. There is no oral examination.


Course content, structure and pedagogical approach

The 2nd-year Research Project offers students the opportunity to carry out a research project in groups. Each group should develop the project based on the research proposal (which was submitted in the RM-1 course in their first year) as the point of departure. 


To ensure the consistent and meaningful development of research activities, the groups formed in RM-1 should continue. Accordingly, each group should register the same members as a group in the Digital Exam (DE) for the assessment of the 2nd-year Research Project.


The 2nd-year research project is an important learning process towards the bachelor thesis in their final year (although students should set a different topic for the bachelor thesis). It is therefore essential for each student to enhance their knowledge of relevant theories and methods, and improve academic and practical skills in planning and coordinating research activities.


(*If students have difficulty working with the same group as formed in RM-1, please contact the Course Coordinator immediately. The issue needs to be solved before the allocation of supervisors in January/February.)


Description of the teaching methods
【December (of the preceding semester)】: Introductory lecture.
The lecture will provide general guidance including an overview of the project period, the requirements and a brief recap of the research design.

【Beginning of January】: Submission of the project outline.
Each group must submit the updated outline of the research project. More details and the exact deadline will be explained during the above-mentioned introductory lecture in December.

【End of January to February】: Allocation of supervisors.
Each group will be allocated a supervisor. Once a supervisor is allocated, each group should make contact with the supervisor to arrange the first meeting with her/him.

For the first supervisory meeting with the supervisor, you should provide the supervisor with;
(i) a summary of your group's point-by-point response to feedback that you received from examiners on the original research proposal that your group submitted in RM-1 course in the previous year, and
(ii) an updated full research proposal.

[If you are on the fast-track (a 3-year) programme of IBA, you are required to undertake both RM-1 and the 2nd-year Research Project concurrently. If you do not receive the information about it by mid-December, please contact the program administrator.]
Feedback during the teaching period
Throughout the project period, each group will receive feedback and guidance from their supervisor.

Please note that you, as students/supervisees, are responsible for planning your work-schedule and making appointments with your supervisor. Please also note that all supervisors have very busy schedules. Please discuss with your supervisor how and how often supervision will be provided.

If you have general questions about the course organisation, please contact the course coordinator.
Student workload
Introductory lecture 3 hours
Preparation for meetings with superviosor & reflection 30 hours
Research activities and writng-up 173 hours
Further Information

Supervisor hours per group:

  • 2 students - 8 hours
  • 3 students - 10 hours
  • 4 students - 12 hours


Any cases of exemptions of any kind or extension/postponing of the project/exam must go through a formal procedure, for which students must provide detailed reasoning in their applications to be considered by the Study Board. See my.cbs for more information.

(In an exemption case for an individual exam, the size of a written product should be max.25 pages and supervisor hours are up to 6 hours.)


[Please note that this course will be discontinued: The last run of the course is Spring 2026 and the last exam will be in Summer 2027 accordingly. See the programme regulations for transition notes.]


Expected literature

Background readings:

It can be useful to revisit the following textbooks in RM-1 before you start your project.

  • Saunders, M. et al (2016). Research Methods for Business Students (7th edition - older/more recent editions are also fine).
  • Hill, C.W.L. (2023). International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace.
  • Witt, M.A. & Redding, S.G. (2014). The Oxford Handbook of Asian Business Systems.


Last updated on 12-06-2024