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2024/2025  KAN-CMIAO1003U  Entrepreneurship: Theory and Evidence

English Title
Entrepreneurship: Theory and Evidence

Course information

Language English
Course ECTS 7.5 ECTS
Type Mandatory
Level Full Degree Master
Duration One Quarter
Start time of the course First Quarter
Timetable Course schedule will be posted at calendar.cbs.dk
Study board
Study Board for cand.merc. and CMIA (CMIA)
Course coordinator
  • Vera Rocha - Department of Strategy and Innovation (SI)
Main academic disciplines
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Innovation
  • Strategy
Teaching methods
  • Blended learning
Last updated on 24-05-2024

Relevant links

Learning objectives
  • Demonstrating a comprehensive knowledge of the concepts and theories used in the course curriculum.
  • Ability to understand both research- and case-based knowledge on the different topics covered in the course.
  • Ability to analyze real business settings by applying the theoretical knowledge and empirical research findings covered in the course to critically evaluate the validity of entrepreneurial strategies.
  • Ability to integrate different components of the course (both research evidence and theoretical frameworks from different modules) and recognize their interdependencies in the analysis and critical discussion of new business cases.
  • Ability to critically assess the validity of statements based on empirical evidence and to use this critical thinking when evaluating the generalizability of the conclusions drawn from specific empirical studies or business cases.
  • Ability to carry out a small-scale empirical project applying the analytical tools given in the course and assessing their usefulness in a new business case.
Entrepreneurship: Theory and Evidence:
Exam ECTS 7,5
Examination form Home assignment - written product
Individual or group exam Group exam
Please note the rules in the Programme Regulations about identification of individual contributions.
Number of people in the group 4-5
Size of written product Max. 20 pages
Max. 20 pages (if groups of 5 students; max. 17 pages by groups of 4)
Assignment type Written assignment
Release of assignment The Assignment is released in Digital Exam (DE) at exam start
Duration 7 days to prepare
Grading scale 7-point grading scale
Examiner(s) One internal examiner
Exam period Autumn
Make-up exam/re-exam
Same examination form as the ordinary exam
Description of the exam procedure

The final assignment is a take-home assignment in which students, in groups of four or five students, will be required to critically analyze a new business case and address questions related to the topics of the course. The assignment includes two parts:


- In the first part, each student in the group must answer a group of questions related to the topics of the course, based on a new business case (questions and case to be provided). Each student in the group has a maximum of 3 pages to answer those questions individually. The students in the group must decide how to allocate the selected questions among themselves. Groups of 5 (4) students will thus have a maximum of 15 (12) pages for this first part of the exam.


- In the second part, the group, altogether, must select a start-up of their choice (ideally, a firm that has been founded within the past 5 years, in Denmark or elsewhere), describe their main business idea, formulate a research question that allows to analyze that start-up from a particular angle, collect data (quantitative and/or qualitative) about the case selected and present an analysis of the start-up in line with that research question. This analysis must include material (theoretical frameworks and readings) from at least two modules of the course. The students have a maximum of 5 pages for this second part of the assignment. The voluntary assignment #2 provides an opportunity to identify a start-up firm that can be used in this second part of the exam. Although not required, students are highly encouraged to assess a startup that addresses a relevant societal problem (e.g., climate change) and/or illustrates the waves of digital transformation (e.g., by leveraging digitalization, big data, artificial intelligence).


The submitted assignment must then include a maximum of 20 pages for groups of 5 (17 pages for groups of 4). This page limit does not include references, cover page, and any eventual appendix material.

Course content, structure and pedagogical approach

The course intends to cover the several elements of the entrepreneurial process – the individual entrepreneur, the idea generation and implementation processes, the main challenges faced by the founder (or founding team), and their importance for the success of the new venture. The content of the course will therefore be organized around the following topics:


• The transition into (and out of) entrepreneurship and career dynamics

• Founding team formation; Human resource acquisition and management in startups

• Entrepreneurial strategy – the key choices behind it and the types of strategies

• Entrepreneurial finance

• Business model design and testing/experimentation; The scientific method of decision making;Business model types

• Growth paths and scaling challenges; Exit and founder succession.


These topics will be covered in two ways:


  1. a theoretical component, based on lectures covering the key theoretical frameworks, which students should complement with the suggested references (textbooks, academic papers, and/or more applied articles); short videos may occasionally complement some of the theoretical part of the course.
  2. an evidence-based component, based on the discussion and analysis of real business cases.


Central to this course is the continuous integration between theoretical insights from the lectures and their application to the analyses of business cases. Key takeaways for entrepreneurial practice will be derived at the end of each topic.This integration will be complemented by guest speakers and real life examples prepared by the students in voluntary assignments and/or discussed in class.

The order in which these parts are covered may be adjusted in some topics, if relevant.


The participation and engagement of students is crucial in all components of the course (lectures, case discussions, guest visits, voluntary assignments). Students are expected to prepare the cases and a set of questions to be discussed in specified classes, and to gather information about a specific topic, research question, or a particular firm, to be debated in certain sessions.The theoretical component of the course will also require preparatory readings of academic and applied articles. This preparatory work is encouraged to be done in groups, as a preparation for case discussions and the final exam.


Description of the teaching methods
This course is taught using a combination of business cases, lectures (based on textbooks and academic papers), guest speakers and a few supporting videos (whenever relevant), with an emphasis on case discussions in the classroom. High quality case discussions require an active participation and preparation of the students. Moreover, the application of theoretical knowledge and insights based on readings and cases to practical examples will form an important element of most classes.
Feedback during the teaching period
The course will include two voluntary assignments that give the students the chance to get detailed feedback on their progress.

Assignment 1:

Group assignment with peer feedback and general feedback from the instructor.

Home assignment in groups of 4-5 students. The students are presented with a new business case and a set of questions. The students must write a short and well-structured assignment, using theory from the course, research-based evidence, and case-based evidence to answer the questions (maximum 2 standard pages per assignment/group). The goal is to prepare the students for the final exam and give them feedback on their performance and understanding of the learning objectives of the course.

This home assignment will be set up online, where each group will be assigned to three other groups, whom they should give feedback to. Clear criteria for peer feedback will be given, and students will be encouraged to justify their feedback. The instructor will give general feedback to the students (in class or via Canvas).

Assignment 2:

Group assignment applying theoretical frameworks from the course to a startup of your choice

In groups of 4-5, students must choose a start-up (a firm founded within the past five years, in Denmark or elsewhere) and analyze it from a particular angle (of their choice) using frameworks and readings covered in the course. The students must hand-in their analysis via a short slide deck (max. 5 slides) or a short video presenting their analysis (max. 2 minutes). Feedback will be provided through Canvas and/or during office hours.

Besides these two voluntary assignments, all students will receive continuous feedback in class in connection with case discussions.

Student workload
Teaching 36 hours
Preparation 100 hours
Exam 70 hours
Expected literature

Gans, J., Scott, E., Stern, S. (forthcoming), "Entrepreneurship: Choice and Strategy". W.W. Norton, Incorporated. (in production; alternative material made available to students in case final production is delayed).


Wasserman, N. (2013), "The founder's dilemmas: Anticipating and avoiding the pitfalls that can sink a startup", Princeton University Press.


A list of more detailed literature and cases will be provided in a compendium before the beginning of the course. Some cases must be downloaded from the Harvard Business Publishing Education homepage and paid for.


Last updated on 24-05-2024