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2024/2025  KAN-CSCAO1001U  Supply Chain Operations and Strategy

English Title
Supply Chain Operations and Strategy

Course information

Language English
Course ECTS 7.5 ECTS
Type Mandatory
Level Full Degree Master
Duration One Semester
Start time of the course Autumn
Timetable Course schedule will be posted at calendar.cbs.dk
Study board
Study Board for cand.merc. and CSCA (CSCA)
Course coordinator
  • Juliana Hsuan - Department of Operations Management (OM)
Main academic disciplines
  • Supply chain management and logistics
Teaching methods
  • Face-to-face teaching
Last updated on 24-05-2024

Relevant links

Learning objectives
  • Discuss Operations an Supply Chain Management and the different parts it consists of, as a field of expertise
  • Compare and compare theories, tools, concepts and methodologies of Operations and Supply Chain Management and their applications
  • Analyze concrete issues of Operations and Supply Chain Management in firms and suggest solutions to these issues
  • Define the scope and limitations of Operations and Supply Chain Management in relation to related fields within firms
  • Apply and combine theories, tools, concepts, and methodologies to solve concrete problems faced by companies
Prerequisites for registering for the exam (activities during the teaching period)
Number of compulsory activities which must be approved (see section 13 of the Programme Regulations): 1
Compulsory home assignments
The student must get 1 out of 2 activities approved in order to attend the ordinary exam.

Assignment 1 – Group Home assignment – 3 page synopsis
Number of students in the group: 2-4
Assignment 2 – Group Oral presentation
Number of students in the group: 2-4

Students will not have extra opportunities to get the required number of compulsory activities approved prior to the ordinary exam. If a student has not received approval of the required number of compulsory activities or has been ill, the student cannot participate in the ordinary exam.

If a student prior to the retake is still missing approval for the required number of compulsory activities and meets the pre-conditions set out in the program regulations, an extra assignment is possible.

The extra assignment is a 10 page home assignment that will cover the required number of compulsory activities. If approved, the student will be able to attend retake.
Supply Chain Operations and Strategy:
Exam ECTS 7,5
Examination form Oral exam based on written product

In order to participate in the oral exam, the written product must be handed in before the oral exam; by the set deadline. The grade is based on an overall assessment of the written product and the individual oral performance, see also the rules about examination forms in the programme regulations.
Individual or group exam Individual oral exam based on written group product
Number of people in the group 2-4
Size of written product Max. 15 pages
Appendix: 3 pages maximum
Assignment type Written assignment
Release of assignment Subject chosen by students themselves, see guidelines if any
Written product to be submitted on specified date and time.
20 min. per student, including examiners' discussion of grade, and informing plus explaining the grade
Grading scale 7-point grading scale
Examiner(s) Internal examiner and external examiner
Exam period Winter
Make-up exam/re-exam
Same examination form as the ordinary exam
* if a student is absent from the oral exam due to documented illness but has handed in the written group product she/he does not have to submit a new product for the re-take.

* if a whole group fails the oral exam they must hand in a revised product for the re-take

* if one student in the group fails the oral exam, the course coordinator can choose whether the student can have the oral exam on the basis of the same product or whether the student has to hand in a revised product for the re-take.
Course content, structure and pedagogical approach

The course focuses upon typical problems in manufacturing and service companies. During a series of seminars, the complexity of the management of a firm's supply chain, its daily operations, and strategic implications for competitiveness in the long term will be explored, analyzed and discussed. The course does not concentrate on a single issue, but discusses various themes and problems. Strategic as well as operational managerial activities will be analyzed.


Management of Supply Chain Operations and Strategy is oriented towards examining the configurations of interrelations between strategy and organization, and the supporting activities and technologies that make them work on a day-to-day basis. In order to deliver optimal solutions to the customers (be business-to- business and/or business-to-consumer) the scope of operations and supply chain management spans the entire set of internal and external processes.


The course’s development of personal competences:


The course will aid in the development of students ability to articulate theories as well as to use tools and methods to solve real problems in Supply Chain Operations and Strategy for organizations.

Description of the teaching methods
The course builds on conceptual frameworks and theories for Supply Chain Operations and Strategy as well as quantitative and qualitative tools and techniques for solving operations problems. The course will consist of lectures, case discussions and workshops. Active preparation and participation are expected from the students.
The students are to form the project group with classmates of their choice (2-4 students per group).
Feedback during the teaching period
Throughout the course, the students get ongoing feedback on their mini-projects. In particular, there will be two workshops, dedicated as preparation sessions for the oral exam. At the workshops, the students are required to prepare a synopsis and/or presentation of their mini-projects. The students will receive oral feedback on their presentations and/or mini-projects for the oral exam during the two workshops.
Student workload
Lectures 33 hours
Readings, Excercises, Compulsory activities, Preparation Exam 173 hours
Expected literature

Avlonitis, V., Frandsen, T., Hsuan, J. and Karlsson, C. (2014) Driving Competitiveness Through Servitization: A Guide for Practitioners. Booklet published by The CBS Competitiveness Platform.


Blackburn, J., Guide Jr., V.D.R., Souza, G.C. and Van Wassenhove, L.N. (2004) “Reverse supply chains for commercial returns,” California Management Review, 46(2), 6-22.


Frishammar, J. and Parida, V. (2019) “Circular business model transformation: A roadmap for incumbent firms”, California Management Review, 61(2), 5-29.


Halldorsson A., Kotzab, H., Mikkola, J.H. and Skjøtt‐Larsen, T. (2007) “Complementary theories to Supply Chain Management”, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 12(4), 284‐296.


Holweg, M. (2005) “The three dimensions of responsiveness”, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 25(7), 603‐622.


Hsuan, J., Jovanovic, M., and Clemente, D.H. (2021) Exploring digital servitization trajectories within product–service–software space. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 0144-3577.


Hsuan, J. and Parisi, C. (2021) “Mapping the supply chain of ship recycling”, Marine Policy, Volume 118, 103979.


Hsuan. J., Skjøtt‐Larsen, T., Kinra, A., and Kotzab, H. (2015) Managing the Global Supply Chain. 4th Edition, Copenhagen Business School Press.


Jovanovic, M., Sjödin, D., and Parida, V. (2021) “Co-evolution of platform architecture, platform services, and platform governance: Expanding the platform value of industrial digital platforms”, Technovation, 102218.


Mikkola, J.H. (2003) “Modularity, component outsourcing, and inter‐firm learning”, R&D Management, 33(4), 439‐454.


Mikkola, J.H. and Skjøtt Larsen, T. (2004) “Mass customization, postponement, and modularization strategies in shaping supply chains”, Production Planning & Control, Special issue on mass customization, 15(4), 352 361.

Paton, S., Clegg, B., Hsuan, J. and Pilkington, A. (2021) Operations Management. 2nd Edition. McGraw‐Hill.


Pilkington, A. and Fitzgerald, R. (2006) "Operations management themes, concepts and relationships: a forward retrospective of IJOPM", International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 26(11), 1255-1275.


da Silveira, G., Borenstein, D. and Fogliatto, F.S. (2001) “Mass customization: Literature review and research directions”, International Journal of Production Economics, 72(1), 1-13.


Sjödin, D., Parida, V., Jovanovic, M. and Visnjic, I. (2020) “Value creation and value

capture alignment in business model innovation: A process view on outcome-based

business models,” Journal of Product Innovation Management, 37(2), 158-183.


Voss, C.A. and Hsuan, J. (2009) “Service architecture and modularity”, Decision Sciences, 40(3), 541‐569.

Last updated on 24-05-2024