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2025/2026  BA-BHAAV6099U  Consumer Behaviour (Online)

English Title
Consumer Behaviour (Online)

Course information

Language English
Course ECTS 7.5 ECTS
Type Elective
Level Bachelor
Duration One Quarter
Start time of the course Second Quarter
Timetable Course schedule will be posted at calendar.cbs.dk
Max. participants 100
Study board
Study Board of General Management
Course coordinator
  • Diana Storm - Department of Marketing (Marketing)
Main academic disciplines
  • Customer behaviour
  • Marketing
Teaching methods
  • Online teaching
Last updated on 30-01-2025

Relevant links

Learning objectives
The course supports students in learning how to understand and apply basic consumer behavior theory. At the end of the course, the excellent student should be able to
  • Select and explain key terms, definitions, concepts, theories and models covered in the course literature that are relevant to a specific case setting.
  • Apply the selected key terms, definitions, concepts, theories and models to analyse consumer behavior in the specific case setting.
  • Identify and discuss practical implications and limitations of applying specific theories, models, and concepts from the course literature.
  • Present a clear and coherent argument for your choice of relevant theories and models and follow academic conventions in your written presentation.
Consumer Behaviour (online):
Exam ECTS 7,5
Examination form Home assignment - written product
Individual or group exam Individual exam
Size of written product Max. 10 pages
Assignment type Case based assignment
Release of assignment The Assignment is released in Digital Exam (DE) at exam start
Duration Written product to be submitted on specified date and time.
Grading scale 7-point grading scale
Examiner(s) One internal examiner
Exam period Winter
Make-up exam/re-exam
Same examination form as the ordinary exam
A new case will form the basis of the re-exam.
Course content, structure and pedagogical approach


Knowing consumers’ attitudes, motives, behaviour, and interpretations is often the key to market success, but also to foster consumer and societal wellbeing. This course introduces students to fundamental consumer theories and models that are useful to gain such insights and to develop a sound foundation for critical reflection and a constructive mindset. Students will gain deep knowledge about consumption and learn to analyze how consumers consume in terms of acquisition, appreciation, and use of consumer goods. The course will focus on both internal and external drivers of consumer behavior and the dilemmas and ambiguities that consumption choices are embedded in. Also, students will learn how individual well-being can be fostered by consumption, and how it may be at odds with or aligned with societal well-being. Based on this, students will learn how to apply their knowledge about consumer behavior to create market-oriented solutions that create value for consumers, companies, as well as society at large. 

Research-based teaching
CBS’ programmes and teaching are research-based. The following types of research-based knowledge and research-like activities are included in this course:
Research-based knowledge
  • Classic and basic theory
  • New theory
  • Models
Research-like activities
  • Analysis
  • Discussion, critical reflection, modelling
Description of the teaching methods
This course is taught entirely online. The course will run over 8 weeks (= 8 sessions). Each session consists of online lectures and activities, which students are expected to work through within the week. The learning content consists of asynchronous online lectures, discussions, quizzes, and individual and/or group assignments. In order to achieve the full outcome of the course, it is important that students are willing to participate in online activities throughout the course. Student participation will be targeted at producing insights that are relevant for the final exam case.
The lecturers will be available for asynchronous and/or synchronous online discussions throughout the 8 weeks in which the course runs. The course readings primarily consist of a textbook, which will be supplemented with selected research papers.
Feedback during the teaching period
A computer facilitated peer review process will be applied in one of the sessions. Also throughout the course, the lecturer will summarize or respond to (either all or illustrative) student hand-ins that are uploaded to Canvas before the given deadline in order to enhance learning.
Student workload
Course activities (including online lectures) 170 hours
Exam (including exam preparation) 36 hours
Further Information

Online course

Expected literature

Textbook:  Szmigin & Piacentini. Consumer Behaviour. Oxford University Press.


Cairns, H.M., Ritch,E.L., and Bereziat,C. (2022) Think eco, be eco? The tension between attitudes and behaviours of millennial fashionconsumers. International Journal of Consumer Studies,46:1262-1277

Carrington,M. J., Neville, B. A., & Whitwell, G. J. (2014). Lost in translation: Exploring the ethical consumer intention–behavior gap.Journal of Business Research, 67(1), 2759-2767

Court, Elzinga, Mulder, and Vetvick (2009). The Consumer Decision Journey. McKinsey Quarterly, June 2009

Edelman, d., Singer, M. (2015). The new consumer decision journey. https:/​/​www.mckinsey.com/​capabilities/​growth-marketing-and-sales/​our-insights/​the-new-consumer-decision-journey

John, Deborah.R. (1999), Consumer Socialization of Children: A Retrospective Look at Twenty-Five Years of Research. Journal of Consumer Research, 26(3), 183-213.

Levitt, Theodore (1960). Marketing Myopia. Harvard Business Review, Jul/Aug60, Vol. 38 Issue 4, pp. 45-56

Masterson, R. and Pickton, D. (2004). Marketing–An introduction. McGrawHill, Chapter 11. The Marketing Mix. Pp. 327-347

McDonald,S., Oatesb, C.J.,Thynec,M., Timmisb, A.J. andCarliled, C. (2015). Flying in the face of environmental concern: why green consumers continue to fly. Journal of Marketing Management, 31(13-14), 1503-1528

McCracken, Grant (1986). Culture and consumption. Journal of Consumer Research, 13 (June), pp. 71-84

Mick, D. G., Broniarczyk, S. M., & Haidt, J. (2004). Choose, Choose, Choose, Choose, Choose, Choose, Choose: Emerging and Prospective Research on the Deleterious Effects of Living in Consumer Hyperchoice. Journal of Business Ethics, 52(2), 207–211.http:/​/​www.jstor.org/​stable/​25123247

Patrick, V., MacInnis,D., Folkes, V. (2002). Approaching What We Hope For and Avoiding What We Fear: The Role of Possible Selves in Consumer Behavior. Advances in Consumer Research. Vol. 29. Pp. 270-76

Santos, S. and Goncalves, H. Consumer decision journey: Mapping with real-time longitudinal online and offline touchpoint data. European Management Journal, October 2022

Last updated on 30-01-2025