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2025/2026  BA-BPOLV2302U  US Business, Politics, and the World Economy

English Title
US Business, Politics, and the World Economy

Course information

Language English
Course ECTS 7.5 ECTS
Type Elective
Level Bachelor
Duration One Semester
Start time of the course Autumn
Timetable Course schedule will be posted at calendar.cbs.dk
Max. participants 60
Study board
Study Board of Global Relations
Course coordinator
  • Edward Ashbee - Department of International Economics, Goverment and Business (EGB)
Main academic disciplines
  • International political economy
  • Political leadership and public management
  • Political Science
Teaching methods
  • Face-to-face teaching
Last updated on 30-01-2025

Relevant links

Learning objectives
  • Evaluate the key features of US policymaking processes and assess their relevance for firms and business organizations
  • Identify, analyze and evaluate the relevant concepts and theories used in the study of US domestic and foreign policymaking
  • Assess the changing character of economic policy thinking over recent decades and evaluate contemporary economic trends in both the US and across the world economy and their likely consequences for firms
  • Analyze and evaluate the US’s changing position in world affairs and the global economy.
  • Relate concepts and theories to empirical evidence
  • Construct and sustain coherent and structured arguments in a well-reasoned manner using frameworks, approaches and methods drawn from the social sciences and based upon an understanding of competing perspectives.
US Business, Politics, and the World Economy:
Exam ECTS 7,5
Examination form Home assignment - written product
Individual or group exam Individual exam
Size of written product Max. 10 pages
Assignment type Written assignment
Release of assignment The Assignment is released in Digital Exam (DE) at exam start
Duration 7 days to prepare
Grading scale 7-point grading scale
Examiner(s) One internal examiner
Exam period Winter
Make-up exam/re-exam
Same examination form as the ordinary exam
Description of the exam procedure

The examination paper will consist of questions drawn from the syllabus. Sample questions will be published ahead of the exam and considered in an assignment workshop. 

Course content, structure and pedagogical approach

The course is divided into three sections. First, it will consider the character of US policymaking processes and the openings that business interests and other gfroupings can use to influence and shape policy outcomes. Students will also be introduced to different theoretical frameworks that are - or can be - employed in the study of these processes. Second, there will be a focus on the different forms of economic policy such as "Reaganomics" that have been pursued from the 1970s nwards. Third, the course then turns to look at the US’s role in the world. These classes will consider the different actors involved in the making of foreign policy and the character of the US relationships with the countries of the European Union and other major powers. They will ask about the role of the US in sustaining the liberal international order and the extent to which Donald Trump’s first and second presidencies have changed the US and its standing across the world. Has the US been weakened or strengthened?  Is the US being surpassed as global "hegemon"? And, insofar as there have been changes, are these likely to be temporary or enduring shifts? And what are the implications for Europe and Asia?



Nordic Nine: US Business, Politics, and the World Economy addresses the transformational capabilities specified in CBS’s Nordic Nine. In particular, the course seeks to place business knowledge within a broad context (N1), emphasizes analytical approaches to date and fosters curiosity about inherent ambiguities (N2), develops critical thinking and constructive forms of collaboration when working on tasks and projects (N6).

Research-based teaching
CBS’ programmes and teaching are research-based. The following types of research-based knowledge and research-like activities are included in this course:
Research-based knowledge
  • Classic and basic theory
  • Teacher’s own research
Research-like activities
  • Analysis
  • Discussion, critical reflection, modelling
Description of the teaching methods
The course will be structured around interactive classes with plentiful opportunities for questions and student contributions. All students will be encouraged to participate fully. We facilitate the formation of study groups so that the assigned reading is approached collectively and there is a basis for relevant activity outside of the classroom.
Feedback during the teaching period
There will be an assignment workshop to ensure that students approach the examination assignment in a considered and structured way. Furthermore, students are encouraged to form study groups consisting of 4-5 students. Each such study group will be offered a staff office hours session so as to ‘test’ ideas and engage in dialogue.
Student workload
Preparation time (assigned readings, group work etc) 130 hours
Classes and workshops 38 hours
Exam (including exam preparation) 45 hours
Expected literature


Richard Johnson (2021) US Foreign Policy: Domestic Roots and International Impact, Bristol University Press



B Guy Peters (2021) American Public Policy: Promise and Performance, 12th edition, CQ Press / Sage Publishing


Last updated on 30-01-2025