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2024/2025  AO-ASTHO1012U  Research Design and Data Curation in Tourism and Hospitality

English Title
Research Design and Data Curation in Tourism and Hospitality

Course information

Language English
Course ECTS 5 ECTS
Type Mandatory
Level Master
Duration One Quarter
Start time of the course Third Quarter
Timetable Course schedule will be posted at calendar.cbs.dk
Study board
AO Study Board for cand.soc.
Course coordinator
  • Erik Braun - Department of Marketing (Marketing)
Main academic disciplines
  • Statistics and quantitative methods
Teaching methods
  • Blended learning
Last updated on 20-06-2024

Relevant links

Learning objectives
This course provides the students insights and tools for developing a research design and the acquisition of data within the tourism and hospitality field – introducing different methods for data collection. It enables them to decide for the right type of data and the right data collection method for different research questions. The specific learning objectives of the course are:
  • Explain and discuss different types of data and data collection methods;
  • Develop and discuss a relevant research-proposition based on the students’ own research interest;
  • Identify primary sources of data and an appropriate methodology for data collection to potentially answer the chosen research proposition;
  • Collect a sample of the chosen data;
  • Critically reflect on the chosen research design and its’ possibility to answer the chosen research-proposition;
  • Follow academic conventions in the written presentation.
Research Design and Data Curation in Tourism and Hospitality:
Exam ECTS 5
Examination form Active participation

The completion of this course is based on active student participation in class. The course will be considered as passed if the students participation - based on an overall assessment - in the class activities fulfill the learning objectives of the course. The individual student’s participation is assessed by the teacher.
The student must participate in Assignment(s)
Individual or group exam Individual exam
Grading scale Pass / Fail
Examiner(s) Assessed solely by the teacher
Exam period Spring
Make-up exam/re-exam Home assignment - written product
Size of written product: Max. 10 pages
Assignment type: Written assignment
Duration: Written product to be submitted on specified date and time.
Description of activities
Assignment(s): During the course the students get three assignments (1: Research Question; 2: Research Design and Plan; 3: Sample Data Curation) which they all need to fulfill until specific deadlines throughout this course. Each assignment has about 3-4 pages of length.
Course content, structure and pedagogical approach


This course aims to prepare students for undertaking a research project in the tourism and hospitality field. From understanding different methods for data collection to formulating a research proposition and developing the right research design to address it.

This includes the full spectrum of data curation, including to find data or creating data (i.e., surveys, experiments, scraping big data, or observations), to reflect on the appropriate methods in data collection and analysis, as well as the management of data.



Students will learn developing appropriate research designs to different types of research questions within the field of tourism and hospitality. The course builds on the insights from the first semester and encourages the students to create their own different projects and discuss them critically.

This course focus on data curation, including methods to find data or creating data (i.e., surveys, experiments, scraping big data, or observations), select appropriate methods in data collection and analysis (building up on the Quantitative Research Methods in Tourism and Hospitality course), as well as the management of data.

It also combines an open space for pitching ideas, starting collaborations, and getting feedback about the students’ research interest – potentially feeding ideas for the students’ final project.

Description of the teaching methods
This course is delivered in a blended learning format. That is, the course combines physical in-class teaching (i.e., workshops) with both prerecorded video as well as live online teaching.
Feedback during the teaching period
Students will receive feedback in the following ways: during 1) in-class workshops; 2) in online lectures; 3) during the office hours.
Student workload
Attending class 22 hours
Preparation 67,5 hours
Exam 48 hours
In total 137,5 hours
Last updated on 20-06-2024