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2024/2025  AO-ASTHV1012U  Collaborative Business Models in Tourism and Hospitality

English Title
Collaborative Business Models in Tourism and Hospitality

Course information

Language English
Course ECTS 5 ECTS
Type Elective
Level Master
Duration One Quarter
Start time of the course Third Quarter
Timetable Course schedule will be posted at calendar.cbs.dk
Study board
AO Study Board for cand.soc.
Course coordinator
  • Szilvia Gyimothy Mørup-Petersen - Department of Marketing (Marketing)
Main academic disciplines
  • CSR and sustainability
  • Organisational behaviour
  • Service management
Teaching methods
  • Face-to-face teaching
Last updated on 20-06-2024

Relevant links

Learning objectives
This course aims to consolidate organizational behavioural insights with specific focus managing change and organizational transformations in a tourism and hospitality context. The specific learning objectives of the course are the following:
  • Describe and discuss the assumptions underlying different theoretical perspectives on change and change management in tourism organizations
  • Identify and analyse contemporary change management approaches by combining insights from social psychology, organizational culture theory and management
  • Discuss possible challenges and consequences of change processes on organizational identity and and social dynamics within tourism organizations
  • Analyze and explain different forms of internal organizational communication and managerial tools and their impact during change processes.
  • Evaluate different organizational solutions and management styles to build, enhance or repair organizational culture and employee well-being
  • Apply conceptual models, concepts and methodological tools, singly or combined to fit a concrete case situation under study
  • Critically assess the value and relevance of models, concepts and theories presented throughout the course in relation to their practical application
  • Outline options and design projects for organizational transformations through the understanding of specific cases and contexts of organizational change
  • Follow academic conventions in the written presentation.
Course prerequisites
Please note: an advanced level knowledge of the basic principles of consumer behaviour in tourism is expected of all students.
Collaborative Business Models in Tourism and Hospitality:
Exam ECTS 5
Examination form Home assignment - written product
Individual or group exam Individual exam
Size of written product Max. 10 pages
Assignment type Written assignment
Release of assignment The Assignment is released in Digital Exam (DE) at exam start
Duration 48 hours to prepare
Grading scale 7-point grading scale
Examiner(s) One internal examiner
Exam period Spring and Spring
Make-up exam/re-exam
Same examination form as the ordinary exam
Description of the exam procedure

The exam is an oral group examination (based on a written product of a maximum of 10 pages). Throughout the entire duration of the course, students will work on a self-selected mini-project within the topic of collaborative consumption. The preparation of the written project follows the principles of problem-based-learning (PBL) and peer assessment (in paired buddy groups), which will facilitate students’ synthesizing knowledge gained through the course and to apply them on a specific empirical case.



Course content, structure and pedagogical approach

This course explores the leadership challenges pertaining to sustainable transformations and offers both theoretical and practical insights into change management, resience and regenerative growth in a tourism context. Students are provided with an advanced understanding of strategic and operational aspects of transformational leadership such as the institutionalization of trust mechanisms and compliance work. They will critically discuss extant managerial challenges in conceiving, consolidating and upscaling organizational legitimacy across different types of stakeholders and material resources. Students will address diverse cases of transformational leadership and discuss drivers of disruptions and business failures. By working with complex ethical dilemmas related to new sustainable practices and business models, students will develop leadership values to overcome them.

This elective is a cross-disciplinary and research-based course, integrating the latest advances from sustainable operations management, organisation theory and service management. The diverse thematic and theoretical perspectives will be synthesised in a competitive case format, where students in groups will explore and solve a sustainable design challenge for a given hospitality business.

Description of the teaching methods
This course will provide an advanced level understanding of organizational transformations, shedding light on its relationships with internal social dynamics and human resources development. Based on cross-disciplinary and research-based insights, students will acquire analytical skills to assess change processes in tourism and hospitality operations to discuss variegated implications on organizational culture, social dynamics and employee well-being. Students will learn about contemporary change management approaches and critically discuss and evaluate their appropriateness in different contexts. By providing students with a comprehensive set of leadership tools for sustainable transformations, the course will prepare them to strategically work with organizational culture and employee well-being in their future careers.

Through providing an overview of relevant literature about content and methods, as well as some hands-on insights from research practice the course is designed to be highly interactive. The course builds upon the principles of active learning: students are expected to comment on readings and do group exercises discussing cases and two workshops on organizational change processes. The introductory session informs about the aims and structure of the course, the compulsory and recommended readings as well as the workshop exercises and the study trip. The final module entails an in-class feedback session and briefing about the exam.
Feedback during the teaching period
Students will receive feedback in various forms during the course: through discussions in class, group assignments with oral feedback, and written feedback after the exam.
Student workload
Attending class 22 hours
Preparation 67,5 hours
Exam 48 hours
In total 137,5 hours
Expected literature

10-12 selected academic journal articles



Last updated on 20-06-2024