Arkiverede Kurser : Studienævnet for HA/cand.merc. i erhvervsøkonomi og informationsteknologi, MSc - 2015/2016

Arkiv2015/2016Studienævnet for HA/cand.merc. i erhvervsøkonomi og informationsteknologi, MSc

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KAN-CEBUO1000UIntroduction to programming and distributed systems
KAN-CEBUO1001UStrategic and Tactical Tools for E-Business
KAN-CEBUO1002UEU Internet Law (P)
KAN-CEBUO1005UPerspectives on e-business research
KAN-CEBUO2000UMaster's Thesis
KAN-CEBUV1075U4 weeks' project
KAN-CEBUV2000UDigital Entrepreneurship (B)
KAN-CEBUV2015U16-weeks' project
KAN-CEBUV2020UThe IT Manager as a Business Leader (B)
KAN-CEBUV2021UArtificial Intelligence in the Marketplace (B)
KAN-CEBUV2022UIT Security (T)
KAN-CEBUV2023UService Design (T)
KAN-CEBUV2024UDigital Business Models (B)
KAN-CEBUV2025UDesigning Business IT (T)
KAN-CEBUV2026UE-Business Smartphone App Development (T)
KAN-CEBUV2027UManaging Enterprise Architecture and Technology (T)
KAN-CEBUV2028UP6. Government 2.0. International og national regulering og styring (P)
KAN-CEBUV2030UThe Digital Dragon from the East: Learning from E-Commerce in China (P)
KAN-CEBUV2031UBig Social Data Analytics (T)
KAN-CEBUV2032UAdvanced EU Internet Law
KAN-CIEBU1002UIt- og Internetjura
KAN-CIEBU2013UPerspectives on E-Business Research
KAN-CIEBV2001UDesigning Business IT (T)
KAN-CIEBV2006UThe IT Manager as a Business Leader (B)
KAN-CINTO1005UMaster's Thesis
KAN-CINTO1010UEvidence Based Management
KAN-CINTO1011UBig Data Management
KAN-CINTO1012UWork, Technology, and Management in Creative Business
KAN-CINTO1013UTechnology and Organization in a Digital World
KAN-CINTO1014UInternet of Things
KAN-CINTO1015UCommunication in Action at the Social web
KAN-CINTO1016UInformation Economics and Business
KAN-CINTO1017UAdvanced Strategic Information Management
KAN-CINTV1012UCloud Computing for Business
KAN-CINTV1013UA Digital Battlefield: How to Compete Against the Internet Giants?
KAN-CINTV1014ULearning through Building: Contemporary Design Science and 3D Printing