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2010/2011  KAN-CBP_GCI  Generating creative Ideas

English Title
Generating creative Ideas

Course Information

Language English
Point 7,5 ECTS (225 SAT)
Type Mandatory
Level Full Degree Master
Duration One Semester
Course Period Autumn
Time Table Please see course schedule at e-Campus
Study Board
Study Board for MSc of Social Science
Course Coordinator
  • Christoph Hienerth - Department of Innovation and Organizational Economics
Main Category of the Course
  • Economic and organizational sociology
Last updated on 29 maj 2012
Learning Objectives
The aim of the course is to enable students to
  • identify sources for creative ideas and to use company internal and external sources for creative ideas,
  • apply screening processes for new ideas and different search methods for ideas select and evaluate creative ideas
  • develop, understand and reflect upon the different parts of a business proposal including express in writing the characteristics of the person/team, product/service, the market as well as the financial planning for the business model/case
  • reflect on (literature about) idea generation and sources of innovation, product innovation and evaluation, entrepreneurship and business planning
  • apply the knowledge provided in a specific case and to work together with a company on identifying and evaluating creative ideas
15 page Individual mini-project
Marking Scale 7-step scale
Exam Period December/January
This exam is an individual mini-project of max. 15 pages.

For the make-up exam, the mini-project must be based on a specific topic predetermined by the teacher.
Prerequisites for Attending the Exam
Course Content

The aim of the course to supply students with the central skills and tools needed to deal with the very early stages of a new product or service: the generation and managing of creative ideas. Students will be guided through three main stages in the “fuzzy” front end of that process, the identification of ideas, the screening and evaluation of valuable ideas and finally the development of a business proposal. The overall goal of the course is to enable a better understanding of the process from a new idea to a ready product in the creative industries, with a focus on the early stages.

Teaching Methods
Teaching mainly takes place in large classes where e.g. extensive cases will serve as discussion fora where analysis of management issues and argued solutions are the expected outcome. Teaching consists of a mixture of dialog-based lectures, presentations, discussions and assignments/cases.

Baron, R. A. and Shane, S. A. (2008). Entrepreneurship. A Process Perspective. Thomson South-Western, Mason, OH.

Chesbrough, H.W. (2003), „The Era of Open Innovation,“ MIT Sloan Management Review, 44 (3), 25–41.

Cohen, W.M. und D.A. Levinthal (1990), „Absorptive Capacity: A New Perspective on Learning and Innovation,“ Administrative Science Quarterly, 35, 128–152.

Cooper, R.G. (1990), „Stage-Gate systems: A new tool for managing new products,“ Business Horizons, 33 (3), 44–53.

Franke, N. and S. Shah (2003), „How Communities Support Innovative Activities. An Exploration of Assistance and Sharing among End-Users,“ Research Policy, 32 (1), 157–178.

Franke, N. and F. Piller (2004), „Value Creation by Toolkits for User Innovation and Design: The Case of the Watch Market,“ Journal of Product Innovation Management, 21 (6), 401-415.

Franke, N., von Hippel, E. und M. Schreier (2006), „Finding Commercially Attractive User Innovations,“ Journal of Product Innovation Management, 23, 301–315.

Hargadon, A. and R. Sutton (1997), „Technology Brokering and Innovation in a Product Development Firm,“ Administrative Science Quarterly, 42 (4), 716–749.

Hienerth, C., Pötz, M. and E. von Hippel (2007), „Exploring Key Characteristics of Lead User Workshop Participants: Who Contributes Best to the Generation of Truly Novel Solution?,“ Proceedings of the DRUID Summer Conference 2007, 1–31.

Huston, L. and N. Sakkab (2006), „Connect and develop. Inside Procter & Gambles’s new model for innovation,“ Harvard Business Review. March 2006, 58–66.

Lakhani, K. R. and E.von Hippel (2003). „How Open Source Software Works: "Free" user-to-user assistance,” Research Policy 32 (6), 923-943.

Lakhani, K.R, Jeppesen, L.B., Lohse, P.A. and J. A. Panetta (2006), „The Value of Openness in Scientific Problem Solving,“ Harvard Business School Working Paper 07-05.

Jeppesen, L. B. and L. Frederiksen (2006), „Why do users contribute to firm-hosted user communities? The case of computer-controlled music instruments,“ Organization Science, 17 (1), 45–64.

Katila, R. and G. Ahuja (2002), „Something Old, Something New: A Longitudinal Study of Search Behavior and New Product Introduction,“ Academy of Management Journal, 45, 1183–1194.

Lilien, G.L., Morrison, P.D., Searls, K., Sonnack, M., und E. von Hippel (2002), „Performance Assessment of the Lead User Idea-Generation Process for New Product Development,“ Management Science, 48 (8), 1042–1059.

Nambisan, S. und M. Sawhney (2007), „A Buyer’s Guide to the Innovation Bazaar,“ Harvard Business Review, June 2007, 109–118.

Ogawa, S. and F. T. Piller (2006), „Collective customer commitment: Reducing the risks of new product development,“ MIT Sloan Management Review 47 (2), 65-72.

Pisano, G. P. and R. Verganti (2008), „Which kind of collaboration is right for you?” Harvard Business Review, 86 (12), 78-86.

Poetz, M. and M. Schreier (2009), „The value of crowdsourcing: Can users really compete with professionals in generating new product ideas?” Proceedings of the DRUID Summer conference 2009.

Poetz, M, Prügl, R. and C. Fabsich (2009), „Systematic identification of problem solvers from analogous markets: an empirical exploration of the potential of the search method Pyramiding,” Proceedings of the 16th International Product Development Conference 2009.

Sawhney, M. and E. Prandelli (2000), „Communities of Creation: Managing distributed Innovation in turbulent Markets,“ California Management Review, 42 (4), 27–54.

Schilling, Melissa A. (2010). Strategic Management of Technological Innovation (3rd Eddition), Mac Graw Hill, New York.

Toubia, O. and L. Florés (2007), Adaptive idea screening using consumers. Marketing Science 26 (3), 342-360.

Von Hippel, E. (2005), Democratizing Innovation. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.Book available as free download via http://web.mit.edu/evhippel/www/books.htm

Von Hippel, E., Franke, N. and R. Prügl (forthcoming), „Pyramiding: Efficient search for rare subjects. Research Policy.