Arkiverede Kurser : Studienævnet for cand.soc. - 2010/2011

Arkiv2010/2011Studienævnet for cand.soc.

Søg på titel eller kursuskode.


KAN-CBP_CIPSCreative Industries, Processes and Strategies
KAN-CBP_CMCreative Marketing
KAN-CBP_FMAFinancial and Managerial Accounting
KAN-CBP_GCIGenerating creative Ideas
KAN-CBP_LRMIPLLegal Risk Management and Intellectual Property Law
KAN-CBP_MCIACreative Business project and Methods for Creative Industry Analysis
KAN-CBP_MCIOManaging Creative and Innovative Organizations
KAN-ESCEntrepreneurship as Social Creativity
KAN-IMInnovation and Management
KAN-KCSKnowledge Creation in Society
KAN-LCOLeadership in the Creative Organizations co-arranged with 1st Year Project
KAN-MA12Metode og Analysestrategi I og II
KAN-MOCS_IAAManagement and Organization in the Creative Society co-arranged with Innovation & Art_Aesthetics
KAN-PKL_PLFOProjekt om Ledelse i den Flerstemmede Organisation / Organisation & Ledelse som Kommunikation
KAN-PKL_SKDSamfundets Kommunikative Differentiering
KAN-PRLSKProjekt i Refleksiv Ledelse og Strategisk Kommunikation / Politik, Stat & Komm./Magt & Komm. / Ledelse & Strategi som Kontekstuel Refleksiv Praksis
KAN-SHRM_DPFDet projektorienterede forløb
KAN-SHRM_HRMStrategisk HRM /Human Resource Development
KAN-SHRM_OAOrganisation & Arbejdsmarked
KAN-SHRM_PØKPolitik, Økonomi og Kultur
KAN-SOC_VFKOForhandling og konfliktløsning i organisationer
KAN-SOC_VLBDLearning by doing: How to Develop and Implement successful Strategies in the Hospitality Industry (Hotels, Airlines etc.) (web based Strategy Simulation Game)
KAN-SOC_VSTDStrategic Design
KAN-SOCKANENGMaster's Thesis
KAN-SSEM_CSRSustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility in Service Organisations
KAN-SSEM_ECMSeBusiness and Communication Management in Services
KAN-SSEM_GIPGlobalisation and Intercultural Perspectives
KAN-SSEM_HRMOrganisation and Human Resource Management in Services with Focus on Motivation
KAN-SSEM_LFSSLaw and Finance in the Service Sector
KAN-SSEM_LSSMLeadership and Strategy in Service Management
KAN-SSEM_RMDMResearch Methods and Data Management
KAN-SSEM_SMEIMService Marketing with aspects of Events and Innovation Management