Archived Courses : Study Board for MSc of Social Science - 2016/2017

Archive2016/2017Study Board for MSc of Social Science

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KAN-CSCBO1002UMarketing and Creative Processes
KAN-CSCBO1003UCreative Industries, Innovation and Strategy
KAN-CSCBO1009UMaster's Thesis
KAN-CSCBO1094UFinancial and Managerial Accounting
KAN-CSCBO1095UManaging Creative and Innovative Organizations
KAN-CSCBO1096UCreative Business project and Methods for Creative Industry Analysis
KAN-CSCBO1097ULegal Risk Management and Intellectual Property Law
KAN-CSCBV3001UOpen problem-oriented assignment in social science
KAN-CSHRO1006UMaster's Thesis
KAN-CSHRO1023UOrganization and Industrial Relations
KAN-CSHRO1033UReward Management
KAN-CSHRO1053UTheory and Practice
KAN-CSHRO1054UHuman Resource Development (HRD)
KAN-CSHRO1055UHRM: Strategy and Society
KAN-CSHRV3001UOpen problem-oriented assignment in social science
KAN-CSIEO1001UMaster's Thesis
KAN-CSIEO2001UBusiness: Models and Prototypes
KAN-CSIEO2004UOrganizing Growth
KAN-CSIEO2006UThe Art of Innovation
KAN-CSIEO2020UEntrepreneurship and Innovation in Context
KAN-CSIEO2021UStrategic Management and Innovation
KAN-CSIEO2022USocial Innovation and Entrepreneurship
KAN-CSIEO2023UEntrepreneurial Processes
KAN-CSIEO2024UMaking Social Science Matter
KAN-CSIEV3001UOpen problem-oriented assignment in social science
KAN-CSOCV1003UNegotiation and conflict management in organisations
KAN-CSOCV1007UPolitical Communication between Power and Legitimization
KAN-CSOCV1012ULaw in a HRM perspective
KAN-CSOCV1016UFrom Financial Crisis to EURO Crisis: Crises, contagion, political and corporate challenges
KAN-CSOCV1017URe-imagining capitalism
KAN-CSOCV1021UAdvanced International Entrepreneurship
KAN-CSOCV2002UProject-oriented internship/anthropological field study
KAN-CSOCV2004UProject-oriented internship/anthropological field study
KAN-CSPKO1001UOrganisation & Ledelse som Kommunikation
KAN-CSPKO1003UMagt og Kommunikation
KAN-CSPKO1005UTechnologies, Management and Communication
KAN-CSPKO1006URefleksiv intervention og Kommmunikation
KAN-CSPKO1053USamfundets Kommunikative Differentiering
KAN-CSPKO1054UProjekt om Ledelse i den Flerstemmede Organisation
KAN-CSPKO1055UProjekt i Refleksiv Ledelse og Strategisk Kommunikation
KAN-CSPKO1056UMetode og Analysestrategi I og II
KAN-CSPKO3000UIntroduktionskursus for Politiks Kommunikation og Ledelse
KAN-CSPKV3001UOpen problem-oriented assignment in social science
KAN-CSSMO1008UMaster's Thesis
KAN-CSSMO1601UResearch Methods
KAN-CSSMO1602UStrategic Management in Service Firms
KAN-CSSMO1603UEconomic Performance Management in Service Firms
KAN-CSSMO1604UOrganising Business Models in Service Firms
KAN-CSSMO1605UCo-creation and Law in Service Firms
KAN-CSSMO1606UService Design
KAN-CSSMO1607UManaging (Digital Mode) Service Delivery
KAN-CSSMO1608UManaging the Customer Journey in a Marketing Perspective
KAN-CSSMV3001UOpen problem-oriented assignment in social science