Kursus: Kommunikationsteori og –strategi – Organisationskommunikation:
Grundbog: Cheney, G.; Christensen, L.T.; Zorn, T. & Ganesh, S.: Organizational Communication in an Age of Globalization. Issues, Reflections, Practices. Waveland Press 2003. Kapitel 1-5, 7-11, 14-15.
Desuden: M. Alvesson og H. Willmott (2002): Identity regulation as organizational control: Producing the right individual. Journal of Management Studies 39 (5), 619-644
N. Brunsson (2003): ‘Organized hypocrisy’. In B. Czarniawska and G. Sevón:. Northern Lights, 201-222. CBS Press.
Deetz, S (1997).: The Business Concept and Managerial Control of Knowledge-Intensive Work. A Case Study of Discursive Power. in Davenport Sypher, B. (ed.): Case Studies in Organizational Communication, pp.183-212.
Ellerup Nielsen, A. & Thomsen, C. (2006): ‘Reporting consistently on CSR – Choosing appropriate discourse strategies’. In Morsing, M. & Beckmann S. (Eds.): Strategic CSR Communication. DJØF Publishing, pp. 277-296.10)
Garsten, C. (1994): Apple World – Core and Periphery in a Transnational Organizational Culture, pp. 82-133. Stockholm: Stockholm Studies in Social Anthropology 33
Gioia, D. A. and Chittipeddi, K. (1991). Sensemaking and Sensegiving in Strategic Change Initiation. In Strategic Management Journal, 12(6): 433-448.
Hildebrandt, S. (2000).: Ledelse og kommunikation – metaforer og spørgsmål om kommunikation i organisationer. I Petersen, H. & Lund, A.K. (Eds.): Den kommunikerende organisation, pp 79-113.
Hildebrandt, S. og S. Brandi (2005): Ledelse af forandring. Virksomhedens konkurrencekraft, 147-159. København: Børsens Forlag.
Hildebrandt, S. og S. Brandi (2005): Ledelse af forandring. Virksomhedens konkurrencekraft, 139-145. København: Børsens Forlag.
van Maanen, J.(1991): The Smile Factory: Work at Disneyland, in Frost, P. et al.: Reframing Organizational Culture, Newbury Park, CA.: Sage 1991, pp. 58-76
M. Morsing (2003): ‘Conspicuous Responsibility: Communicating Responsibility – to Whom? In Corporate values and responsibility – The case of Denmark, pp. 145-154
M. Morsing (2006): Corporate social responsibility as strategic auto-communication: on the role of external stakeholders for member identification. Business Ethics: A European Review 15 (2), 171-182
Smith, R. & Eisenberg, E.M (1987): Conflict at Disneyland. A Root-Metaphor Analysis. In Communication Monographs, Vol. 54, pp. 367-380.
Thyssen, O.(2003): ’Values – the Necessary Illusions’. In Corporate values and responsibility – The case of Denmark, pp.163-175.
Subject: Kommunikationsteori og –strategi – Almen kommunikation:
Kompendie bestående af følgende tekster:
• Jørgensen & Onsberg: Praktisk argumentation. Teknisk Forlag 1999, s. 12-32. • Toulmin, Stephen E.: The Uses of Argument. Cambridge University Press. 2003 (1958), s. 1-10. • Weaver, Warren: Introductory note on the general setting of the analytical communication studies. I: Claude E. Shannon & Warren Weaver: “The mathematical theory of communication.” University of Illinois Press 1963, s. 3-8. • Rogers, Everett M.: Diffusion of Innovations. The Free Press. 1995. 4. udg. Kap 1 (s. 1-37) • Greimas, A.J.: Strukturel semantik. Borgen Forlag 1974, s. 275-292. • Anne-Marie Søderberg: Virksomhedskommunikation til en kritisk offentlighed: Shell mellem fornuft og følelser. I: K.E. Hjort (red.): Diskurs. Analyser af tekst og kontekst. Samfundslitteratur 1997. • Eco, Umberto: How culture conditions the colours we see. I Poul Cobley (ed.): The communication theory reader. Routledge, 1996, s. 148-171. • Mikkelsen, Jan Foght: Formidlingsetik. Roskilde Universitetsforlag. 2002 (s. 259-298) • Gudrun Christensen og Niels Åkerstrøm Andersen: Spisningens Sygeliggørelse. Grus nr. 59/2000, s. 23-44 • Kommunikationsteori – en grundbog, (2009) Helder et al, Hans Reitzels Forlag, København (uddrag) • Dahl (2006) Hvis din nabo var en bil (uddrag) • Askehave, Inger (2006): Communication – Transmitting Messages or Fusing Horizons?, i Meanings and Messages – intercultural business communication, Academica, Copenhagen • Griffin, Em (2003): A first look at communication theory. Mc-Graw Hill, New York (uddrag) • Thyssen (1994): Teorien om Kommunikation hos Habermas” og ”Teorien om Kommunikation hos Luhmann”, i Kommunikation, Kultur og Etik. Handelshøjskolens Forlag, kap 4 (s. 61-75). • Windahl et al (2009) Using Communication Theory – an introduction to planned communication, Sage, London (uddrag) • Jørgensen og Philips (1999), Diskursanalyse som teori og metode. Samfundslitteratur, 1. udg.(s. 9-33) • Foucault (1982) “The Subject and Power”, i Dreyfuss & Rabinow (eds): Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics, University of Chicago Press, Chicago • Craig (1999): “Communication Theory as a Field”, Communication Theory, 2, p. 119-161 |