Learning Objectives
After the course students should be able to:
Explain basic terminology from International Economics (e.g. "comparative advantage", “factor abundance", “factor intensity” etc.) in a comprehensive and intuitive way.
Describe and rationalize the main assumptions behind trade models such as Ricardian model, Hechscher-Ohlin model, and imperfect competition model.
Perform policy experiments (e.g. the impact of introducing tariffs).
Illustrate diagrammatically these models and perform analysis of the pattern of trade, gains of trade and effect on the income distribution from trade.
Solve algebraically simple trade models (e.g. imperfect competition models.) in order to determine the equilibrium economic variables (e.g. price, average costs, quantity, profit, etc.).
Describe and rationalize the main assumptions behind the main models of Open-Economy Macroeconomics.
International Economics:
Written Exam
Marking Scale
7-step scale
Internal examiners
Exam Period
October and December/January, The exam is in October. The make-up/re-exam is in January.
Please, see the detailed regulations below
4 Hours
Individual written 4-hour open book exam, graded by teacher and internal censor on the 7-point scale. Only non-programmable calculators are allowed. Make-up and re-exam: The regulations are the same as for the ordinary exam.
Course Content
This course offers introduction to international economics. In the first part of the course, we study International trade theories that focus on the behavior of the “real” economic variables; In the second part of the course, we study international finance-theories with addition of “monetary” variables. We also develop a theoretical framework that allows us to understand the interaction between “monetary” and “real” variables.
Teaching Methods