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2011/2012  KAN-MCM_MC55  Advanced Project Work

English Title
Advanced Project Work

Course Information

Language English
Point 7,5 ECTS (225 SAT)
Type Mandatory
Level Full Degree Master
Duration One Semester
Course Period Spring
Time Table Please see course schedule at e-Campus
Study Board
Study Board for MSc in Economics and Business Administration
Course Coordinator
  • Mogens Bjerre - Department of Marketing
Mogens Bjerre
Main Category of the Course
  • Marketing
Last updated on 29 maj 2012
Learning Objectives
The advanced project work is based on the ideas behind the Advertising Effectiveness Award, whose purpose is to achieve:
  • A clear demonstration of the effect of advertising, using measurable criteria.
  • A better understanding of the essential role advertising plays in marketing communication.
  • A more in-depth analysis of advertising effectiveness and improved methods for the assessment of advertising.
Advanced Project Work:
Assessment Oral with Written Assignment
Marking Scale 7-step scale
Censorship External examiners
Exam Period Spring Term
Aids Please, see the detailed regulations below
Duration 20 Minutes
The project (max. 25 A4-pages) is written in administratively formed groups of 4-6 students and is followed by an individual oral exam (20 min. pr. student). 6-8 weeks are given to write the project. In sSpring the students are given a lesson in ”how to write a case story”. Each group is allowed a one-hour coaching session with faculty halfway through the assignment. 4 copies of the paper should be handed in to the secretariat. The assessment is a total evaluation of the project and the oral exam. If, for some reason, a student wishes to leave a group, s/he should be aware that s/he cannot expect to join another group during the regular exam period. The regular exam takes place in June. The make-up/re-exam requires registration and will take place in August. If the student was ill during the exam period a new project must be handed in to a new deadline in August announced by the programme secretary. If the student did not pass the regular exam, a new or revised project, cf. advice for the examiner from the regular exam, must be handed in to a new deadline in August announced by the programme secretary. The make-up/re-exam report can be written individually or in groups (provided that other students are taking the make-up/re-exam
Individual oral exam based on written case-project in week 25.
Course Content

Aim of the course
The course aims to train the application of the students’ knowledge of marketing communication and brand building theory to the real world of marketing communication strategies and execution. This is done by applying the adopted frames of reference to real life cases.

The students are taught “how to write a case-story” based on the Advertising Effectiveness Award format: (a) business background (b) marketing and advertising objectives (c) description of the campaign, including creative and media strategies (d) documentation of effects on mental-, behavioural- and market based brand equity and return on marketing investments (e) campaign evaluation.

The students are formed into teams that each are assigned an authentic case to be described, analyzed and documented in cooperation with the advertising agency and brand owning company in question (week 18 – 24).

Each team is allowed a one-hour coaching session with faculty midway through the assignment.

The written case-stories (20-25 pages) are handed in (week 24) and form the basis for the individual oral examination (week 25).

Teaching Methods
The students will be given a lesson in “how to write a case-story”. The advanced project work will be prepared in self-formed groups of 4-6 students. Each group is allowed a one-hour coaching session with faculty halfway through the assignment. The written case-stories (20-25 A4 pages) are handed in (June) and form the basis for an oral exam of the group (June).

Adverting Works, IPA cases, NTC Publications, 2005
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