The term paper is an individual work written in English, and the main objective is that the student documents her/his ability to do independent reseach-oriented work by reading and analyzing reseach papers. The paper is a research paper and the student is expected to make her/his own analysis based on data and/or information collected elsewhere. However, the paper must be created entirely by the student. Hence, a paper must contain original work, never submitted in any other venue in whole or part by the student or anyone else. The student may not work with anyone else on the paper and may not use any other student's paper as a model, reference, or template for her/his own paper.
The length of the paper should be 8-10 pages (max. 10)
The topic of the paper should be approved by the teacher, and after the approval, the student has 3 weeks to finish the paper. During these weeks the student is entitled to 1 hour of supervison by the teacher.
The paper should focus on an empirical, relevant question. It could be a more general question about firm behavior in a global environment, or it could be a question related to firms in a specific industry or specific country.