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2012/2013  KAN-CMF_F38  Gender in Organisations

English Title
Gender in Organisations

Course information

Language English
Exam ECTS 7.5 ECTS
Type Elective
Level Full Degree Master
Duration One Semester
Course period Autumn, Spring
Ændringer i skema kan forekomme
Fredag 09.50-11.30, uge 6-13,15,16,18,20,21,22

Time Table Please see course schedule at e-Campus
Min. participants 25
Max. participants 60
Study board
Study Board for BSc/MSc in Business Administration and Philosophy, MSc
Course coordinator
  • Camilla-Dorthea Bundgaard - Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy
Administrativ kontakt Karina Ravn Nielsen - electives.lpf@cbs.dk el. direkte tlf.: 38153782
Main Category of the Course
  • Business Ethics, value based management and CSR
  • Management
  • Organization
  • Corporate and Business Strategy
Last updated on 17-10-2012
Learning objectives
The course “Gender in Organizations” offers the students the opportunity to develop their ability to think critically, independently and creatively. The students’ ability to articulate an academically valid criticism of research articles and ideas is trained, and they are offered the possibility to acquire a professional foundation from which a valid gender equality discussions can take its point of departure.

By the end of term, the student should be able to:
  • Analyze and synthesize concrete issues within the field of gender and gender equality
  • Apply the course’s concepts, theories and methods
  • Critically reflect upon the different perspectives of gender and gender equality presented in the course
  • Establish the underlying values, view of humanity and ideologies that are implicated in the different perspectives on gender and gender equality
  • Analyze the consequences of choosing one perspective on gender and gender equality over another
  • Articulate strategic considerations linked to organizations’ work on gender and gender equality
  • Produce relevant connections between the course theories and business practice
  • Analyze how organizations’ work on gender and gender equality affects and is affected by the outside world and other interested parties
No formal prerequisites
Gender in Organisations:
Type of test Written Exam
Marking scale 7-step scale
Second examiner No second examiner
Exam period Winter Term and Summer Term
Aids Open Book, Written Aid is permitted
Duration 4 Hours
4 hour individual written exam with all written aids on a CBS computer with no internet access. Students receive a grade on the 7-step scale. No censorship.
Course content

How is gender equality developed in organisations? What is in fact gender and gender equality? Whose responsibility is it to fight for equality, and how do you do it? What do businesses do, or what should they do?
Those are some of the questions gender equality consultants have to pose in order to create strategies within diversity, CSR and HR today. In this master elective, the students acquire a solid foundation within the field of gender, business and society, which allows them to critically reflect upon the relevant issues in preparation for the role as business consultants. For quite a while, international business schools have offered courses in gender and equality. Now, CBS students are offered the same.
Through cases and guest lectures from the world of business, politics, media and gender research, we examine different ways of understanding gender and gender equality in the western world. We look into the implications of different approaches to gender and gender equality in order to train the ability to give strategic accounts of how to create gender equality policies in organisations.
The curriculum is based on some of the greatest thinkers with in the field of women and gender studies.

Teaching methods
The course is structured around 14 times two lessons. It is based on a critical reading of different texts, lectures, cases and class discussions. Also, representatives fra business,
politics, media and gender research are invited to give guest lectures. Active participation from the students is expected.
Expected literature

Below, you find a list of books and articles that the course might draw on. It is only an indicative curriculum though, as the final curriculum will take into account new themes and research within the field that might emerge before the course commences.
Kroløkke, C. & Sørensen, A.S (2006): Gender Communication Theories and Analyses: From Silence to Performance. London: Sage. 

Fausto-Sterling, A (2000): Sexing the Body: Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality. New York: Basic Books. 

Plato (1999): Symposium. London: Penguin Classics.  

Foucault, M. (1978): The history of sexuality - volume 1: The Will to Knowledge. London: Penguin Books. 

Dworkin, A. (1981): Pornography: Men posessing Women. New York: Perigee Books. 

Queen, C. (1997): Sex Radical Politics, Sex-positive Feminist Thought and Whore Stigma. I: Whores and Other Feminists(red. Nagle). New York: Routledge.  

Wollstonecraft, M. (1967): The Vindication of the Rights of Women. New York: Norton.  

Stuart Mill, J. (1988): The Subjection of Women. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing. 
Beauvoir, S. (1997): The Second Sex. London: Vintage, Random House.  

Iragerey, L. (2011): The Sex Which Is Not One. I: Cultural Theory – An Anthology(red. Szeman og Kaposy). West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell. 
Butler, J. (2006): Gender Trouble. New York: Routledge. 

Hooks, B. (2009): Black Women: Shaping Feminist Theory. I: Still Brave – the Evolution of Black Women’s Studies. (red. James, Foster, Guy-Sheftall). New York: The Feminist Press.  

Scharff, C. (2011) Disarticulating feminism: Individualization, neoliberalism and the othering of 'Muslim women'.European Journal of Women's Studies.        
Baca Zinn, M. & Thornton Dill, B.(1996): ’Theorizing Difference From Multiracial Feminism’. Feminist Studies. 22: 2: 321 – 331. (Hentet fra Still Brave – the Evolution of Black Women’s Studies. (red. James, Foster, Guy-Sheftall). New York: The Feminist Press) 

Lorber, J. (2005): Gender Inequality: Feminist Theories and Politics. New York: Oxford University Press. 
Sabo, D. (2003): Masculinities and Men’s Health: Moving toward Post-Superman Era Prevention. I:Reconstructing Gender – A Multicultural Anthology (red. Disch) New York: McGraw-Hill.  

Gullvåg Holter, Ø. (2007): ’Men's Work and Family Reconciliation in Europe’. Men and Masculinities   9: 425. 

Faludi, S. (1991): Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women. New York: Doubleday  
Hoff Sommers, C. (1994): Who Stole Feminism? – How Women Have Betrayed Women.New York: Touchstone. 

Paglia, C. (1994): Vamps and Tramps. Middlesex: Penguin.

Last updated on 17-10-2012