2013/2014 KAN-CM_N75 Empirical Industrial Organization with Applications to Competition Policy.
English Title | |
Empirical Industrial Organization with Applications to Competition Policy. |
Course information |
Language | English |
Exam ECTS | 7.5 ECTS |
Type | Elective |
Level | Full Degree Master |
Duration | One Semester |
Course period | Autumn
Changes in course schedule may occur Monday 13.30-16.05, week 36-41, 43-47 |
Time Table | Please see course schedule at e-Campus |
Study board |
Study Board for MSc in Economics and Business
Course coordinator | |
Administration: Ida Lyngby - il.eco@cbs.dk | |
Main academic disciplines | |
Last updated on 05-04-2013 |
Learning objectives | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Upon the end of the course, the
students will be able to:
1) Understand the different types of industry data and where to find these data. 2) Organize and analyze market data and industry data. 3) Interpret industry data in conjunction with theoretical models. 4) Identify the limitations and weaknesses of theoretical models and empirical models. 5) Identify and develop empirically testable implications from theoretical models. 6) Apply the correct econometric methods based on specific research questions and data. 7) Interpret the results of econometric models. 8) Communicate their research. |
Course prerequisites | |||||||||||||||||||||||
The course is a progression course to
the first year of the AEF programme. Cand.oecon. students also
fulfil these prerequisites and they will have no problem taking the
course either. Other students have to be aware that knowledge of
basic econometrics and IO is strongly recommended.
The course assumes familiarity with basic econometric methods at the level of: Wooldridge, Jeffery, Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data, Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2002. |
Examination | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Course content and structure | |||||||||||||||||||||||
This course covers research methods and results in applied industrial organization. The primary focus will be on the use of econometric analysis and data both for descriptive and measurement purposes, and to test the predictions of economic theories. The course will also focus on empirical methods used in competition policy. Papers that demonstrate the various methods will be discussed in detail with an emphasis on data, sources of identification, and estimation techniques. Applied papers will be a large part of this discussion. The course is organized in terms of 10 different topics (see below). Each lecture begins with an overview of some of the most important insights from theoretical models. However, most of the lecture is devoted to discussing empirical work and the results. Particular attention is given to the importance of data selection in testing theoretical models, and issues of specifying an econometric model. During the course there are several hands-on exercises where
students get real datasets to estimate econometric models using
econometric software of their choice.
Topic 1: Market delineation and the measurement of market power:
General issues in selecting data and specifying an appropriate
econometric model. Hands-on exercise. Competition case.
Topic 2: Empirical entry models: Applying the power of revealed
preferences to empirical industrial organization. Hands-on
Topic 3: Market structure and productivity: Testing robust
predictions from industrial organization on data from multiple
Topic 4: Quantifying the effects of mergers and new products:
Doing counter-factual experiments (i.e. forecasting what will
happen before it has happened) on the basis of estimates from
historical information.
Topic 5: Price discrimination and price dispersion: Using single
industry data to evaluate sophisticated pricing strategies.
Hands-on exercise.
Topic 6: Network industries and two-sided markets: Measuring
competition in the “new economy”.
Topic 7: Vertical relations, licensing, and exclusivity:
Evaluating the competitive and efficiency effects of various
vertical arrangements. Hands-on exercise.
Topic 8: Strategic trade policies and outsourcing: Applying
insights from industrial organization to international trade.
Topic 9: Assessing the effects of government interventions in
the market: Evaluating whether governments can improve upon the
free market. Hands-on exercise.
Topic 10: Empirical industrial organization as a policy tool: Bringing all the tools covered in the course together.
Teaching methods | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Lectures and (voluntary) exercises using real world data. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Expected literature | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Textbooks: Wooldridge, Jeffery, Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and
Panel Data, Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2002.
Belleflamme, Paul, Martin Peitz, Industrial Organization:
Markets and Strategies, Cambridge University Press, 2010.
It should be noted that some of the econometric methods used in a few of the recent empirical papers are advanced and beyond typical “masters” level (defined by the level of e.g. the textbook by J.Wooldridge “Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data”). In discussing these, the focus is not on the details of the econometric estimation techniques but rather various ways in which theoretical models can be tested, what kind of data that is necessary, and what the main empirical results are.
Topic 1: Market delineation and the measurement of
market power
Coe, P, and D.Krause, 2008, An analysis of price-based tests of antitrust market delineation, Journal of Competition Law and Economics, 4: 983-1007.
Robinson, W.T. and J. Chiang, 1996, Are Sutton’s Predictions
Robust? Empirical Insights into Advertising, R&D, and
Concentration, Journal of Industrial Economics, 44, 389-408.
Topic 4: Quantifying the effects of mergers and new
Manuzak, M., and C. Moul, 2008, Prices and endogenous market
structure in office supply superstores, Journal of Industrial
Economics, 56
Petrin, A., 2002, Quantifying the benefits of new products: the
case of minivans, Journal of Political Economy, 110:705-727.
Topic 5: Price discrimination and price
Topic 6: Network industries and two-sided markets Brown, J.R., and A.Goolsbee, 2002, Does the Internet make Markets More Competitive? Evidence from the Life Insurance Industry, Journal of Political Economy, 110:481-507. Ellisson, G, and S.Ellison, 2009, Search, Obfuscation and Price Elasticites on the Internet, Econometrica, 77:427-452. Rysman, M., 2004, Competition between networks: A study of the market for Yellow Pages, Review of Economic Studies, 71:483-512.
Topic 7: Vertical relations, licensing, and exclusivity Baker, G., and T.Hubbard, 2003, Make vs Buy in Trucking: Asset Ownership, Job Design, and Information, American Economic Review, 551-572. Brenkers, R., and F.Verboven, 2006, Liberalizing a distribution system: The European car market, Journal of the European Economic Association. Hastings, Justine, 2004, ‘Vertical Relationships and Competition in Retail Gasoline Markets: Empirical Evidence from Contract Changes in Southern California,’ American Economic Review, 94(1), pp. 317-328. Hortacsu, A, and C.Syverson, 2007, Cementing Relationships:
Vertical Integration, Foreclosure, Productivity, and Prices,
Journal of Political Economy.
Topic 8: Strategic trade policies and outsourcing Bernard, A, J.Bradford Jensen, P.Scott, 2006, Trade Costs, Firms, and Productivity, Journal of Monetary Economics, 53:917-937. Berry, S., J.Levinsohn, and A.Pakes, 1999, Voluntary Export Restraints on Automobiles: Evaluating a Trade Policy, American Economic Review 89:400-430. Irwin, D. , and N.Pavcnik, 2004, Airbus versus Boeing Revisited: International Competition in the Aircraft Market, Journal of International Economics, 64:223-245.
Beresteanu, A., and S.Li, 2011, Gasoline Price, Government
Support, and the Demand for Hybrid Vehicles in the United States,
International Economic Review, 52:161-182.
Topic 10: Empirical industrial organization as a policy