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2014/2015  BA-BIMKO1017U  Bachelorprojekt

English Title
Bachelor Project


Sprog Dansk
Kursets ECTS 15 ECTS
Type Obligatorisk
Niveau Bachelor
Varighed Et semester
Placering Forår
Tidspunkt Skemaet bliver offentliggjort på calendar.cbs.dk
Studienævnet for BA i Interkulturel Markedskommunikation
  • Diana Storm - Institut for Afsætningsøkonomi (AØ)
Primære fagområder
  • Kommunikation/Communication
  • Markedsføring/Marketing
  • Sprog og interkulturelle studier/Language and Intercultural Studies
Sidst opdateret den 15-08-2014
As regards the written project, the student should be able to:
• Identify and formulate a clearly delimited, interdisciplinary research question within the area of intercultural marketing communication, taking into account marketing, organization, managerial economics, legal, cultural, communicative and/or linguistic dimensions of the subject
• Analyse and discuss the research question thoroughly by means of relevant empirical data and relevant literature, including:
o Collecting the relevant data, taking into account research criteria for data collection
o Choosing and discussing theories, concepts, methods and tools that are relevant to the research questions
o Arguing logically for the chosen procedures
o Striking a balance between referential presentation, independent analysis, interpretation and discussion that is adequate to the research question
• Demonstrate methodological and communicative competence, including:
o Clear and precise presentation using the relevant scholarly terminology
o Correct and consistent use of references
o Structuring and presenting the material in clear language and in a clearly organised manner

As regards the oral defence, the student should be able to
• Give a short and comprehensive account of the research question and the main findings
• Substantiate the choice of sources and methods
• Demonstrate full knowledge of the content of the project
• Put the research question into perspective
• Participate independently in dialogue with the examiners
• Express him- or herself in a fluent and varied language using the relevant scholarly terminology
Prøvens ECTS 15
Prøveform Mundtlig prøve på baggrund af skriftligt produkt

Det er en forudsætning for at deltage i den mundtlige prøve, at det skriftlige produkt er afleveret inden afholdelse af prøven; inden for fastsat frist. Karakteren gives på baggrund af en helhedsbedømmelse af det skriftlige produkt og den individuelle mundtlige præstation.
Individuel eller gruppeprøve Individuel
Individual oral exam based on a written group project. The project is prepared in groups of 2-5 students, for exceptions see the study regulations. The group project is prepared during the 6th term and is defended in the exam term of May/June.

The language of the project is either Danish or English according to the choice of the students.

The oral examination is an individual defence of the bachelor project. The oral examination is conducted in the language of the project.
Omfang af skriftligt produkt Max. 20 sider
The maximum length is 20 pages per student. If the project is prepared individually the maximum length is 30 pages.
Opgavetype Bachelorprojekt
Skriftligt produkt afleveres på en fastsat dato og tidspunkt.
20 min. pr. studerende, inkl. votering, karaktergivning og begrundelse
Bedømmelsesform 7-trins-skala

Den studerendes stave- og formuleringsevne indgår i den samlede bedømmelse af eksamenspræstationen, dog vægter det faglige indhold tungest.
Bestemmelser vedrørende resuméet The bachelor project must be accompanied by a summary of no more than 2 pages that are included in the total page count of the project. If the project is written in English, the summary must be in Danish and vice versa.
Bedømmer(e) Eksaminator og ekstern censor
Eksamensperiode Maj/juni
Samme prøveform som ved ordinær prøve
Re-examination: If the student has participated in the written group project for the ordinary exam, but has been ill at the time of the oral exam, the re-examination is conducted on the basis of the group project that has already been handed in. If the student has participated in the written group project for the ordinary exam, but not passed the oral exam, the re-exam is normally conducted on the basis of the project that has already been handed in. However, the student may choose to hand in a new, individual project within a specified time. If the student has not participated in the written group project due to illness, the student may participate in the oral re-examination, if the student hands in an individual project within a specified time.
Kursets indhold, forløb og pædagogik
  • To choose and answer a clearly delimited, interdisciplinary research question within the area of intercultural marketing communication
  • To identify the relevant approaches to the research question and apply the approaches adequately
  • To collect and use relevant empirical data and scholarly literature
  • To set up a coherent interdisciplinary approach and use it consistently
  • To demonstrate linguistic awareness in answering the research question

The bachelor project aims to develop the academic competences of the students within the interdisciplinary field, that is intercultural marketing communication. The students identify their specific area of interest, formulate a relevant research question within this area and answer the research question.
The students are working with a research question of their own choice and delve into this work. The students will be introduced to issues of method and presentation that hold overall relevance to scientific work, they will discuss the issues introduced and each other’s projects, and they will discuss specific issues with their supervisor.
Lectures, workshops, supervision
Teaching (including supervision) 30 timer
Preparation 123 timer
Exam 270 timer
Foreløbig litteratur

Rienecker, Lotte, Peter Stray Jørgensen, m.fl. (2005): Den gode opgave. 3. udgave. Frederiksberg: Samfundslitteratur.
Rasmussen, Erik Stavnsager, Per Østergaard & Suzanne C. Beckmann (2006): Essentials of Social Science Research Methodology. Odense: University Press of Southern Denmark.
In addition: relevant research literature according to the choice of the student.

Sidst opdateret den 15-08-2014