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2014/2015  KAN-CJURV1073U  Interdisciplinary Corporate Law and Governance

English Title
Interdisciplinary Corporate Law and Governance


Sprog Dansk
Kursets ECTS 7,5 ECTS
Type Valgfag
Niveau Kandidat
Varighed Et semester
Placering Forår
Tidspunkt Skemaet bliver offentliggjort på calendar.cbs.dk
Studienævnet for HA/cand.merc. i erhvervsøkonomi og erhvervsjura, MSc
  • Georg Ringe - Institut for International Økonomi og Virksomhedsledelse (INT)
  • Steen Thomsen - Institut for International Økonomi og Virksomhedsledelse (INT)
Coordinating secretary: Susie Lund Hansen - slh.jur@cbs.dk
Primære fagområder
  • Erhvervsjura/Business Law
  • Finansiering/Finance
  • Globalisering, international forretning, markeder og studier/Globalization, International Business, markets and studies
  • Virksomhedsstrategi/Corporate and Business Strategy
Sidst opdateret den 05-11-2014
Learning objectives are to
1. Enhance ability to apply legal and economic analysis to critical business and governance problems
2. Improve rhetorical, persuasive and other skills needed to argue successfully both in written and oral form
3. Increase experience in group work and discussions

At the end of the course the student should
• Demonstrate an understanding of the general principles and specific rules of corporate governance
• Intelligently discuss problems that may arise from corporate governance for business organisation
• Thoughtfully select and persuasively apply the law in order to resolve specific legal problems encountered by business
• Thoughtfully reflect on the impact of the law on the business community
Interdisciplinary Corporate Law and Governance:
Prøvens ECTS 7,5
Prøveform Skriftlig stedprøve
Individuel eller gruppeprøve Individuel
eksamenssproget er dansk
Opgavetype Opgavebesvarelse
Varighed 4 timer
Bedømmelsesform 7-trins-skala
Bedømmer(e) Eksaminator og bi-eksaminator
Eksamensperiode Maj/juni
Hjælpemidler der må medbringes Uden hjælpemidler
Samme prøveform som ved ordinær prøve
Hvis antallet af eksaminander til omprøven tilsiger, at prøven mest hensigtsmæssigt kan afholdes som mundtlig prøve, vil sekretariatet give meddelelse om at omprøven afholdes som mundtlig prøve i stedet. Der vil i så fald være bi-eksaminator, medmindre prøven er ekstern.
The course will be examined by a four-hour written examination at the end of the course. Candidates will be required to answer essay and/or problem questions, which may cut across topics covered in the course. Candidates will be expected to show a detailed analytical knowledge of relevant materials. They will also need to display a good grasp of the theoretical and contextual readings, an ability to analyse, assess and synthesise the corporate governance theory with the legal material, an understanding of the strengths and limits of comparative and interdisciplinary perspective, and an ability to present a clear, concise and well-structured argument with some of their own insights.
Kursets indhold, forløb og pædagogik

The course ‘Interdisciplinary Corporate Law and Governance’ is designed to constitute a platform for interdisciplinary study of major areas of corporate law and governance, both from a legal and an economics/management perspective. The course is a collaboration between the Law Department (Professor Georg Ringe) and the Center for Corporate Governance / Department of International Economics and Management (Professor Steen Thomsen).
The approach taken will be both functional and comparative, looking at a series of core problems with which any system of corporate governance must deal, and analysing, from a functional perspective, the solutions adopted by a number of legal systems. The main focus will be on legal systems of the UK, US, Germany and Denmark. The course seeks to situate these solutions in the underlying concepts and assumptions of the chosen systems, as these often provide an explanation for divergences. To this end, the course begins with a contextual overview of ‘systems’ of corporate governance, which material is then applied in the following seminars on more substantive topics. Such a comparative study is intended to enable students to see their own system of corporate governance in a new and more meaningful light, and to be able to form new views about its future development.

The bulk of teaching provision will take the form of 11 two-hour lectures. For these lectures, students will be provided with a detailed reading list and, wherever possible, with course materials accessible through the intranet. Half of these lectures will be covered by Professor Georg Ringe, half by Professor Steen Thomsen.

Moreover, there will be 5 two-hour ‘seminar’ sessions, devoted to in-depth discussions of the material covered in the lectures. These seminars will be co-taught by both Professors in order to enable interdisciplinary discussions and mutual learning. Students may be invited to give short presentations.
Foreløbig litteratur

Students will be expected to read a range of survey articles and research papers.
Background reading includes
Kraakman et al, The Anatomy of Corporate Law (2nd edn OUP 2009)
Easterbrook and Fischel, The Economic Structure of Corporate Law (Cambridge Mass., Harvard University Press 1991)
The complete reading list will appear in the semester plan.

Sidst opdateret den 05-11-2014