BA-BBLCV1156U Business Project (Area Specific
English Title |
Business Project (Area Specific
Report) |
Language |
English |
Course ECTS |
15 ECTS |
Type |
Elective |
Level |
Bachelor |
Duration |
One Semester |
Start time of the course |
Autumn |
Timetable |
Course schedule will be posted at
calendar.cbs.dk |
Study board |
Study Board for BSc og MSc in Business, Language and Culture,
coordinator |
- Magali Gravier - Department of Intercultural Communication and
Management (ICM)
Main academic
disciplines |
- Globalization and international business
- Methodology and philosophy of science
- Language
Last updated on
Learning objectives |
To achieve the grade 12, students
should meet the following learning objectives with no or only minor
mistakes or errors:
- reproduce basic theoretical knowledge on qualitative
- justify the choice and use of one or several qualitative
method(s) for a given research project, including the suitability
of this choice given the research question and theoretical
- collect suitable empirical data following the constraints of a
chosen qualitative method in one of the three languages taught in
the BLC programme (French, German or Spanish);
- analyse the data in order to answer the research question and
present it in a research project;
- critically reflect on the method used for the project in order
to explain what worked and what didn’t work as expected from the
point of view of methods
Examination |
Exam ECTS |
15 |
Examination form |
Home assignment - written product |
Individual or group exam |
Individual |
Each student will have to use at least one of the
three methods presented in class for his/her project. The data
collected must be in one of the three languages of the BLC
programme (French, German, or Spanish) |
Size of written product |
Max. 20 pages |
Assignment type |
Project |
Duration |
Written product to be submitted on specified date
and time. |
Grading scale |
7-step scale |
Examiner(s) |
One internal examiner |
Exam period |
Winter, The project can be written in either
English (17 pages plus a 3 page abstract in the second language) or
the second language (17 pages plus a 3 page abstract in
English). |
Make-up exam/re-exam |
Same examination form as the ordinary
Course content and
structure |
The course aims at giving students learning business and
languages practical training in qualitative methods for the purpose
of investigating business contexts in one of the foreign languages
of the BLC programme (French, German or Spanish). Three main
qualitative methods will be presented: 1) interviews (in particular
semi-structured and with questionnaires), 2) participant
observation, and 3) document/archival work. The course combines
theoretical teaching and a hands-on implementation in the form of a
project with supervision. Emphasis will be put on the different
methodological steps from the choice of the research question and
theoretical framework, to the choice of one or several suitable
methods of collection of data, the collection of data itself and
the analysis of the data collected with the aim to answer the
chosen research question.
Teaching methods |
Lectures, supervision hours, personal
work on own project. |
Expected literature |
To be found by students in the groups
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