To achieve the grade 12, students
should meet the following learning objectives with no or only minor
mistakes or errors: After the course, the student should be able
- Characterise the emerging paradigm of “social business”
- Explain the different paradigms in and emerging trends of
social media management and their potential impact on private and
public organizations
- Identify the linkages between social media channels and
processes such as innovation, knowledge management, communication,
collaboration and co-creation in organizational settings
- Define social media metrics and key performance indicators for
social business across a range of dimensions.
- Analyze and report on the current social media engagement of a
real-world case company and develop implications for social media
management in terms of values, principles, strategies, policies,
and innovation processes.
The subject of the course is social media management, with
special attention to the emerging paradigm of “Social
Business". The content of the course is structured in a number
of themes as outlined below:
Class #01:
Topics: Course Description
Social Facts, Social Computing, & Social Media
Papers (see file on the course portal)
- Social Computing: From Social Informatics to Social
- Social media: The new hybrid element of the promotion
- Research Issues in Social Computing
Class #02:
Topic: Fundamentals of Management
Navigating the World of Work
Class #03:
Topic: Social Web, Social Graph, Social Text, & Social Business
Vatrapu, R. (in press/2013). Understanding Social Business. In K.B.
Akhilesh (Ed.), Emerging Dimensions of Technology Management.
Class #04:
Topic: Social Media Strategy
- Organizational strategy, structure, and process
- The Relational View: Cooperative Strategy and Sources of
Interorganizational Competitive
- Strategy-Making in Three Modes
- HBR on Strategy
- Resource-based view and information systems research: review,
extension, and suggestions for future research
- Alignment Between Business and IS Strategies: A Study of
Prospectors, Analyzers, and Defenders
- What’s Your Personal Social Media Strategy?
Part 1 of the Textbook
Class #05:
Topic: Social Media in Marketing
- Broadening the concept of marketing
- Marketing and Exchange
- The marketing strategy continuum: towards a marketing concept
for the 1990s
- Marketing in hypermedia computer-mediated environments
- Integrated Internet Marketing
- Measuring the value of electronic word of mouth and its impact
in consumer communities
Part II of the textbook
Class #06:
Topic: Social Media in Innovation
- The Wisdom of Consumer Crowds: Collective Innovation in
the Age of Networked Marketing
- Absorptive capacity: a new perspective on learning and
- Innovation, Organizational Capabilities, and the Born-Global
- The Management of Innovation
- The future of open innovation
- Social media use and potential in business-to-business
companies' innovation
- Overcoming Mass Confusion: Collaborative Customer Co-Design in
Online Communities
- Value 2.0: eight new rules for creating and capturing value
from innovative technologies
Class #07:
Topic: Social Media in Customer Service
- A strategic framework for customer relationship management
- Customer service in business-to-business markets: an agenda for
- The internet: a new era in customer service
- Impact of Information Technology Management Practices on
Customer Service
- Information Technology and the Performance of the Customer
Service Process: A Resource-Based Analysis
Part III of the Textbook
Class #08:
Topic: Social Media in Knowledge Management & Human Resource
- A Social Information Processing Model of Media Use in
Organizations (file is not include in the Zip file
- The Business Communicator as Presence Allocator:
Multicommunicating, Equivocality, and Status at Work
- How social media is transforming employee communications at Sun
- Knowledge Management and Knowledge Management Systems:
Conceptual Foundations and Research Issues
- Why information technology inspired but cannot deliver
knowledge management
- State of the Notion: Knowledge Managament in Practice
Part V of the Textbook
Class #09:
Topic: Social Media in Public Sector
- Digital Government
- Government 2.0: Transforming government and governance for the
twenty-first century
- From Responsiveness to Collaboration: Governance, Citizens, and
the Next Generation of Public Administration
- Social marketing in public health
- Risk and Crisis Management in the Public Sector: Risk
Communication and the Social Amplification of Public Sector
Part IV of the Textbook
Class #10:
Topic: Business in Society: Social Media Engagement, Analytics, and
Reflections & Conclusions
Text Book:
Wollan, R., Smith, N., & Zhou, C. (2011). The Social Media
Management Handbook: Everything You Need To Know To Get Social
Media Working In Your Business: Wiley.
Research Articles:
See course description