1. Introduction: Disasters and Sustainable
Development I
What is a disaster, where are they and what can we expect?
Collins, Andrew E., (2009) Disasters and Development, Routledge,
Oxon Chapters 1-4 inclusive.
Strongly recommended further reading
Wisner, B and Gaillard, J.C. (2009) An Introduction to Neglected
Disasters, Journal of Disaster Risk Studies, Vol. 2 Nr.3
B. Wisner, P. Blaikie, T. Cannon, and I. Davis (2004). At Risk –
Natural hazards, people's vulnerability and disasters.
Wiltshire: Routledge
Cannon, T (2008) Vulnerability, “innocent” disasters and the
imperative of cultural understanding. Disaster Prevention and
Management Vol. 3 No. 17 pp 350-357
2. Disasters and Sustainable Development II
Collins, Andrew E., (2009) Disasters and Development, Routledge,
Oxon Chapters 5-Conclusion inclusive
3.Disasters and climate change
IPCC (2012): Summary for Policymakers. In: Managing the Risks of
Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation
[Field, C.B., V. Barros, T.F. Stocker, D. Qin, D.J. Dokken, K.L.
Ebi, M.D. Mastrandrea, K.J. Mach, G.-K. Plattner, S.K. Allen, M.
Tignor, and P.M. Midgley (eds.)]. A Special Report of Working
Groups I and II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, and New York, NY, USA,
pp. 3-21.
Hyogo Biaginia, B and Millera A (2013) Engaging the private sector
in adaptation to climate change in developing countries:
importance, status, and challenges, Climate and Development, Vol.
5, No. 3, 242–252
Strongly recommended further reading: Pelling, M.
(2011) Adaption to Climate Change: From resilience to
transformation, Routlage, London and New York
4. Disasters, Livelihoods and the `Informal
Wisner, B. (2004) Assessment of Capability and Vulnerability in
Bankoff, G., Hilhorst, D,. Frerks G. Mapping Vulnerability:
Disasters, Development and People Earthscan, London McSweeney K and
Coomes, O.T., (2011)
Climate-related disaster opens a window of opportunity for rural
poor in northeastern Honduras. Proceedings of the National Acadamy
of Sciences of the United States of America Chhotray V and Few R.
(2012) Post-disaster recovery and ongoing vulnerability: Ten years
after the super-cyclone of 1999 in Orissa, India. Global
Environmental Change Vo. 22. Issue 3 August Pages 695-702
5. Vulnerability of the Private Sector
Zhang, Y.,. Lindell, M.K. and Prater C.S (2009) Vulnerability of
community businesses to environmental disasters Disasters, Volume
33, Issue 1, January 2009, Pages: 38–57 Haraguchi, M and Lall U.,
(2013) Flood Risks and Impacts Future Research Questions and
Implication to Private Investment Decision-Making for Supply Chain
Networks UNISDR Geneva, Switzerland De Mel, S.,
McKenzie, D. Woodruff C (2012) Enterprise Recovery Following
Natural Disasters, The Economic Journal, Volume 122, Issue 559,
pages 64–91, March
6.Public Private Partnerships
Roeth H. (2009) The Development of a Public Private Partnership
Framework and Action Plan for Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia, UN
Sarmiento J, Hoberman G, Ilcheva, M, Asgari, A, Majano, A.M.,
Poggione S and Duran L. R. (2013) Private Sector and Disaster Risk
Reduction: The Cases of Bogota, Miami, Kingston, San Jose, Santiago
and Vancouver Geneva, Switzerland
7. Resilience and the Private Sector
Cannon, T. and Müller-Mahn, D,. (2010) Vulnerability, resilience
and development Discourses in context of climate change. Natural
Hazards (online)
Gerulis-Darcy M (2013) Implications of the Global Political Economy
on Vulnerability to Disaster: The Case of Long-Term Structural
Adjustment Policies in Nicaragua, UNISDR Geneva, Switzerland
Chen, J. Hsuan T, Chen, Y, Vertinsky, I, Yumagulova L, and Park C.
(2013) Public–Private Partnerships for Resilient Communities,
Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management Volume 21 Number 3
8. Tourism: Small Island Developing States and
Kelman, Ilan, 2013. No Change from Climate Change: Vulnerability
and Small Island Developing States (SIDS). Geographical Journal,
(In Press).
Bernard, K and Cook s (2013) Tourism Investment Choices and Flood
Risk: illustrative case study on Denarau Island Resort in Fiji,
UNISDR Geneva, Switzerland
Wright N (2013) Small Island Developing States, disaster risk
management, disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and
tourism UNISDR Geneva, Switzerland
Jyotiraj Patra (2013) Coasts, Ports and Communities : The Emerging
Dynamics of Investment-Risk Interactions in Odisha, India UNISDR
Geneva, Switzerland
9. Drought, Famines and the private Sector
Sen, A. (1981) Ingredients of Famine Analysis: Availability and
Entitlements The Quarterly Journal of Economics 96 (3): 433-464
Gubbles, P. (2013) Changing the Development Paradigm: Key to
Managing Drought Risk in areas of Chronic Food Insecurity in Africa
Hill, H. and Pittman, J. 2012. Agriculture and Disaster Risk
Reduction. Draft contributing paper submitted to the UNISDR’s GAR
13. Unpublished manuscript. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada,
Saskatoon, Canada.
10. Health
Johannessen, A. Rosemarin, A Gerger Swartling Å, Han, G, Vulturius
G and Stenström T.A. Linking Investment Decisions with Disaster
Risk Reduction in Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH): The Role of
the Public and Private Sectors, Potentials for Partnership and
Social Learning UNISDR Global Assessment Report 13 Paper
11. Insurance
Akter, S. Brouwer R. van Beukering P.J.H. French, L, Silver E,
Choudhury S. Aziz, S.S. (2011) Exploring the feasibility of private
micro flood insurance provision in Bangladesh Disasters. Volume 35,
Issue 2, pages 287–307, April
Warner, K. Ranger, N, Surminski, S. Arnold, M, Bayer JL,
Michel-Kerjan, E, Kovacs, P. Herweijer C. (2013) Adaption to
Climate Change: Linking Disaster Risk Reduction and Insurance.
UNISDR, Geneva
12. Technology and Humanitarian Action
UN-APCICT/ESCAP (2009) ICT for Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia and
the Pacific: An Overview of Trends, Practices and Lessons Case
Studies 1. The Bangladesh Comprehensive Disaster Management
Programme and ICTs -
Shanta R. Halder and Tasdiq Ahmed 2. Integrated Information and
Communication System for Emergency Management in Bangladesh Manzul
Kumar Hazarika, Dwijendra Kumar Das and Lal Samarakoon IRFC (2013)
Summery of Technology and Humanitarian Action World Disasters
Report www.irfc.org
13. Logistics and the Private Sector
Holguín-Veras, J., Jaller, M., Van Wassenhove, L.N., Perez N.,
Wachtendorf T., (2012) On the unique features of post-disaster
humanitarian logistics, Journal of Online Operations, Vol. 30
Issues 7-8 November Pages 494-506 Drebek T.E., (1992) Variations in
Disaster Evacuation Behavior: Public Responses Versus Private
Sector Executive Decision-Making Processes Disasters Vol. 16, Issue
2 pages 104–118, June
14. Rethinking our conceptions?
A historical approach to disasters in the Philippines Bankoff,
Greg. (2002) Cultures of Disasters , 2002, p152-178 and Conclusion:
Hazard as a frequent life experience in Cultures and Disasters,
Taylor and Francis, Abingdon GFDRR (2010) Typhoons Ondoy and
Peping: Post-Disaster Needs Assessment, ASDB
15. Hyogo and Beyond
Pelling. M. and Dill, K. (2010) Disaster Politics: tipping points
for change in the adaption of sociopolitical regimes, Progress in
Human Geography 34:12
Pelling, M and Manuel-Navarrete D (2011) From Resilience to
Transformation: the Adaptive Cycle in Two Mexican Urban Centres
Ecology and Society 16 (2): 11
Suggested web sites: 1. EMDAT has all up to date
data on disasters: http://www.emdat.be/ 2. UN Office for Disaster
Risk Reduction (UNISDR): http://www.unisdr.org/ and prevention web:
http://www.preventionweb.net 3. Responding to climate change:
http://www.rtcc.org/ 4. International Federation Red Cross Red
Crescent www.irfc.org