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2015/2016  KAN-CSHRV3000U  Progressionsvalgfag den frie opgave

English Title
Progression elective free paper


Sprog Dansk
Kursets ECTS 7,5 ECTS
Type Valgfag
Niveau Kandidat
Varighed Et quarter
Starttidspunkt Efterår
Tidspunkt Skemaet bliver offentliggjort på calendar.cbs.dk
Studienævnet for cand.soc.
  • Erik Caparros Højbjerg - MPP
Primære fagområder
  • Kommunikation/Communication
  • Sociologi/Sociology
Sidst opdateret den 14-08-2015
For at opnå karakteren 12 skal den studerende, med ingen eller få uvæsentlige mangler eller fejl, opfylde følgende læringsmål: The successful free paper demonstrates the student’s ability to:
  • independently develop and justify a clear research question within the area of the students’ MSc.Soc. program
  • address the research question with appropriate and justified choices of theory and research, design, demonstrating awareness of alternative choices,
  • conduct literature search to locate own research substantively in relation to what has been previously done by identifying what is already known and providing new insights into where the own research may contribute (indicative literature requirements are presented below
  • arrive at a clear and well substantiated conclusion and offer persuasive implications
  • present the entire analysis in a clear and coherent manner
Forudsætninger for at deltage i kurset
Det er kun muligt at lave én afløsningsopgave under sit studieforløb. Alle obligatoriske fag på første år skal være bestået.
Progressionsvalgfag den frie opgave:
Prøvens ECTS 7,5
Prøveform Skriftligt produkt udarbejdet hjemme
Individuel eller gruppeprøve Individuel
Omfang af skriftligt produkt Max. 20 sider
Opgavetype Opgavebesvarelse
Varighed Skriftligt produkt afleveres på en fastsat dato og tidspunkt.
Bedømmelsesform 7-trins-skala
Bedømmer(e) En eksaminator
Eksamensperiode Vinter og Sommer
Samme prøveform som ved ordinær prøve
revised paper should be submitted for the next deadline, see below.
Beskrivelse af eksamensforløbet


When a student has reached agreement with a supervisor, the registration form must be filled in,signed by both the student and the supervisor, and submitted at the Student HUB.





The form is downloadable from the “electives” folder on e- campus.




If the elective is taken in the Spring semester, the paper must be turned in no later than June1st, 10 AM.

If the elective is taken in the Fall semester, it must be turned in no later than January 15, 10 AM.
The paper should be delivered to the Student HUB.

Kursets indhold, forløb og pædagogik


Literature: 900 pages (7,5 ECTS) to be agreed between student and


There is not one standard template for a Free Paper on the MSc.Soc.Sc. programs. Students
make their own choices – in consultation with their supervisors – on research design, use of theory, methodology, and data.
All papers, however, must have a clear research question. Furthermore, all students are
expected to

• reflect upon their research design, i.e. how they suggest building a scientific argument
to arrive at justified answers to the research question,

• demonstrate awareness of alternative choices, and,

• towards the end of the paper, explicitly and persuasively present implications of their

Papers can be theory-driven as well as evidence-driven, and the methodology can be deductive
as well as inductive. However, a theoretical element is required. Thus, papers should support or
challenge existing theory or practice.
Students may achieve this objective by

• contributing to understanding of extant theories,
• using theory to explain a real-life phenomenon,
• initiating a search for new ideas by carefully delineating a novel type of problem,
• identifying new angles to a well-researched area, synthesizing recent advances and
ideas into theoretical frameworks,
• initiating a search for new ideas by carefully delineating a novel type of problem, or
• discussing the theoretical implications of empirical findings, all driven by the
multidisciplinary nature of the MSc.Soc.Sc. programs.

Students are advised not to engage in large- scale collection of primary data, and
generally they should discuss with their supervisors the scope of the paper. If a study
appears unfeasible for reasons of method, funding, time or any other structural constraint,
the student is advised to revisit the questions that have been posed in an effort to ensure a close fit between the method and the focus of the study.
Papers must meet the paper length requirements specified in the table below. Note that thenumber of pages refers to the standard CBS definition that includes an STU (standard
typographical unit) or taps count and some further specifications. There is also a requirement for independent reading specified in the table below. This refers
to the reading of material that is not part of the fixed curriculum in the students’ MSc.Soc.Sc.program. This requirement is indicative and the way it is met is part of the assessment criteria.

Independent writing of a paper with supervision from a teacher. Supervision format will be agreed between the teacher and the student.
For a 7.5 ECTS paper there are 4 hours of supervision, including the teacher’s time for
preparation and grading.
Sidst opdateret den 14-08-2015