One of the biggest challenges facing entrepreneurs is growing
their businesses. Research indicates that of many ventures started,
only a few become fast-growing, self-sustaining companies. Many
vanish, stagnate, or are sold off. It is, however, the
fast-growing, self-sustaining companies, which are the main
creators of wealth and jobs for the economy.
The purpose of this course is to learn and discuss key theories,
concepts, and methods for organizing growth. Students are to
understand the role of management, strategy, structure and
resources in the effort of scaling up and growing a business. To
this aim, we are going to explore models based on causation and
effectuation, and theories like dynamic capabilities, networking,
and organizational learning. Furthermore, we are going to study the
importance and application of lean start-up in the context of
organizing growth.
The pedagogical approach is based on four different methods. First,
there will be lectures and discussions about concepts and theories
relevant to organizing growth. Secondly, there will be several
guest lectures which are consultants and entrepreneurs who are
faced with growth challenges or have managed to grow their
businesses. The different narratives will be used as case studies
to discuss concepts, theories and practical implications. Thirdly,
the students will work in groups consisting of 4-5 students which
will be assigned to a start-up with the aim of identifying and
exploring the growth challenges. Fourthly, the student groups will
create a Growth Development Report based on the start-up case
assigned to them.
Please note that the litterature is guiding!
Textbooks and readings:
Blank, Steven and Bob Dorf (2012), The Startup Owner’s
Manual. K and S Ranch.
Boccardelli, Paolo and Mats G. Magnusson (2006) Dynamic
Capabilities in Early-Phase Entrepreneurship, Knowledge and
Process Management, Volume 13, Nr. 3, pp. 162 – 174.
Bos, Jaap W. B. and Erik Stam (2013), Gazelles and industry growth:
a study of young high-growth firms in The Netherlands. Industrial
and Corporate Change, Volume 23, Nr. 1, pp. 145 – 169.
Collins, Jim (2001), Good to Great, William Collins.
Collins, Jim and Morten T. Hansen (2011), Great by Choice.
Colombo, M. G. and L. Grilli (2005), ‘Founders’ human capital and
the growth of new technology-based firms: a competence-based view,’
Research Policy, 34(6), 795 – 816.
Drucker, Peter (1964), Managing for Results. Harper and
Eckhardt, J. T. and S. A. Shane (2011), ‘Industry changes in
technology and complementary assets and the creation of
thigh-growht firms,’ Journal of Business Venturing, 26(4),
412 – 430.
Harms, Rainer and Holger Schiele (2012), Antecedents and
consequences of effectuation and causation in the international new
venture creation process, Journal of International
Entrepreneurship, Volume 10, pp. 95 – 116.
Kelley, Donna and Ed Marram (2004), “Managing a Growing Business”
in The Portable MBA in Entrepreneurship, ed. William D.
Bygrave and Andrew Zacharakis. Wiley.
Klepper, S. (1996), ‘Entry, exit, growth, and innovation over the
product life cycle,’ The American Economic Review, 86(3),
562 – 629.
Krogh, Georg von and Michael A. Cusumano (2001), “Three Strategis
for Managing Fast Growth,” Sloan Management Review,
January 2001, pp. 53 – 61.
Parker, S., D. Storey and A. Van Witteloostuijn (2010), ‘What
happens to gazelles? The importance of dynamic management
strategy,’ Small Business Economics, 35(2), 203 –