Læringsmål |
For at opnå karakteren 12 skal den studerende,
med ingen eller få uvæsentlige mangler eller fejl, opfylde følgende
læringsmål: Identify different types of quantitative data and
explain basic methods of data collection and experimental design
- Use and critically evaluate the use of graphics, tables, and
summary measures to illustrate relationships in data, appropriate
for the purpose at hand
- Use elementary theory of probability and distributions to
calculate sample distributions and the probabilities of alternative
outcomes and make basic statistical inferences (tests) about
population characteristics from samples
- Use and interpret the output of methods to statistically
analyze associations, such as contingency tables and single and
multiple regression and recognize common problems and limitations
in such methods
- When faced with a specific research question and available
data, select one or more appropriate statistical methods to address
the question, develop a structured and disciplined approach to
statistical analysis critically evaluate the
Prøve/delprøver |
7,5 |
Prøveform |
Skriftlig stedprøve på CBS'
computere |
Individuel eller gruppeprøve |
Individuel prøve |
Opgavetype |
Opgavebesvarelse |
Varighed |
4 timer |
Bedømmelsesform |
7-trins-skala |
Bedømmer(e) |
En eksaminator |
Eksamensperiode |
Sommer og Sommer |
Hjælpemidler |
Med visse hjælpemidler, se nedenfor:
Den studerende må medbringe - USB-stik til upload af noter, bøger og kompendier i
ikke-eksekverbare formater (ingen programstumper, værktøj,
installérbare programmer o. lign.)
- Lommeregner efter eget valg
- Bøger (herunder oversættelsesordbøger), kompendier og noter i
Den studerende har adgang til - Adgang til CBSLearn
- Adgang til personligt drev (S-drev) på CBS´ netværk
- Udvidet IT-pakke
Ved alle skriftlige
stedprøver har den studerende adgang til IT-basispakken (Microsoft
Office (minus Excel), digital pen og papir, 7-zip file manager,
Adobe Acrobat, Texlive, VLC player, Windows Media Player). BEMÆRK:
Det er ikke tilladt at kommunikere med andre under prøven :
Læs nærmere om hjælpemidler og IT-pakker
her |
Syge-/omprøve |
Samme prøveform som ved ordinær prøve
Hvis antallet af eksaminander til omprøven tilsiger, at prøven
mest hensigtsmæssigt kan afholdes som mundtlig prøve, vil
sekretariatet give meddelelse om at omprøven afholdes som mundtlig
prøve i stedet. Der vil i så fald være bi-eksaminator, medmindre
prøven er ekstern.
Kursets indhold, forløb og pædagogik |
This course introduces you to basic quantitative skills in
business analysis, including methods for presenting and
characterizing quantitative data, making inferences from data based
on the theory of probability and statistics, using data to assess
relationships and effects, recognizing potential weaknesses or
pitfalls in quantitative analysis, and using data for business
decision making. The purpose of the course is to make you an
educated user of quantitative methods by introducing you to the
main theoretical concepts and issues, rather than giving you an
extensive training in the underlying statistical theory. Topics
include: data representation and summary measures; exploratory data
analysis, data collection and basic experimental design;
probability theory and distributions, sampling distributions,
confidence intervals, significance tests, contingency tables and
Bayesian inference, analysis of proportions, and single and
multivariate regression analysis.
Undervisningsformer |
In the course, we will combine a number of
different learning formats. We will make extensive use of video
recordings of short lectures on particular theoretical subjects
that you can view at home in conjunction with your reading and
problem solving. Plenary lectures will be highly interactive;
theory lectures will focus on interactions to help you understand
the theoretical concepts and principles; application lectures will
focus on how to apply the theories and methods to concrete
problems. There will be a weekly problem set which you are strongly
encouraged to complete, preferably in study groups. Weekly tutorial
sessions give you an opportunity to work on the problem sets with
teacher assistance. Teaching will emphasize real-world data
examples and conceptual understanding rather than detailed
knowledge of procedures and theories. |
Feedback i undervisningen |
Feedback is given in two ways. Firstly, during
the course, students do home assignments where the solutions are
presented afterwards in video format, including common mistakes we
observe. Secondly, after the exam, students are invited to a
feedback session
Studenterarbejdstimer |
Attending lectures |
40 timer |
Attending tutorials |
20 timer |
Written exam and feedback |
6 timer |
Homework and reading |
159 timer |
Foreløbig litteratur |
Please find the litterature list on