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2018/2019  BA-BPSYO2401U  Forbrugeradfærd

English Title
Consumer Behaviour


Sprog Dansk
Kursets ECTS 7,5 ECTS
Type Obligatorisk
Niveau Bachelor
Varighed Et semester
Starttidspunkt Forår
Tidspunkt Skemaet bliver offentliggjort på calendar.cbs.dk
Studienævnet for HA/cand.merc. i Erhvervsøkonomi og Psykologi, BSc
  • Antonia Erz - Institut for Afsætningsøkonomi (AØ)
Primære fagområder
  • Forbrugeradfærd/Customer behaviour
  • Markedsføring/Marketing
  • Blended learning
Sidst opdateret den 14-12-2018

Relevante links

  • Describe, define, classify, combine, discuss and reflect upon relevant theories, constructs and models of consumer behaviour
  • Identify, discuss and reflect upon implications of consumer behaviour research for marketing practice and the wider context
  • Analyze practical examples and cases by identifying and applying relevant theories and models and suggest solutions
Forudsætninger for at deltage i kurset
This course builds on some of the courses of the preceding semesters. Students will have to move their focus from the organization to the market and take a marketing perspective.
Prøvens ECTS 7,5
Prøveform Skriftlig stedprøve på CBS' computere
Individuel eller gruppeprøve Individuel prøve
Opgavetype Opgavebesvarelse
Varighed 4 timer
Bedømmelsesform 7-trins-skala
Bedømmer(e) En eksaminator
Eksamensperiode Sommer og Sommer
Hjælpemidler Med visse hjælpemidler, se nedenfor:
Den studerende må medbringe
  • Lommeregner efter eget valg
  • Oversættelsesordbøger i papirformat
Den studerende har adgang til
  • Udvidet IT-pakke
Læs nærmere her : Hjælpemidler og IT-pakker
Samme prøveform som ved ordinær prøve
Hvis antallet af eksaminander til omprøven tilsiger, at prøven mest hensigtsmæssigt kan afholdes som mundtlig prøve, vil sekretariatet give meddelelse om at omprøven afholdes som mundtlig prøve i stedet. Der vil i så fald være bi-eksaminator, medmindre prøven er ekstern.
Kursets indhold, forløb og pædagogik

The overall goal of the course is for students to gain a market-based perspective; specifically, to gain a fundamental understanding of consumer behavior, based on psychological, sociological and cultural theories and models. Moreover, students’ analytical skills will be trained by analyzing practical examples and cases based on the theoretical foundations.


Consumer behaviour research aims at explaining how consumers make decisions in the marketplace, and the course introduces students to theories and models of consumer behaviour. Thereby, this course builds on and extends students’ knowledge from preceding courses on cognitive psychology and personality and social psychology. We will draw from fundamental theories, covering the four broad areas of consumer behaviour research: First, consumers in the marketplace, looking at consumer behaviour from a marketing perspective; second, consumers as individuals, covering areas such as perception, learning/memory, motivation, the self and personality; third, consumers as decision-makers, looking into theories and models of individual decision-making; and fourth, consumers as groups, covering relevant theories from social psychology and cultural research.


Consumer behaviour research goes beyond the study of what and why we buy; it also takes into consideration how marketers influence consumers and how consumers use the products and services marketers sell.  A comprehensive understanding of the consumer is the foundation of all major marketing activities, namely product development, price and distribution strategies, and all marketing communications, and of any market research and analysis activities. More specifically, understanding perceptions, motivations, learning, attitudes, experiences, cultures and behavior of consumers has implications for marketing that go beyond choosing the right brand name or color of an advertisement.


Therefore, we will extend on the underlying theories of consumer behaviour and develop a basic theoretical understanding of marketing. A selection of basic marketing terms, principles and theories will supplement the syllabus. Moreover, we will touch upon the digital consumer and the relatively young and under-researched phenomenon of social media, where the consumer not only interacts with the company but also with other consumers. Implications of current consumer behaviour research will be derived and discussed for the practice of marketing and the wider context.

Beskrivelse af undervisningsformer
This course is offered as a blended learning course. This means, lectures will mostly take place online and exercises offline/on-campus. Additionally to engaging with online lectures, students will have to prepare for the exercises during online time before coming to the on-campus exercise classes. Exercises will follow a schedule and will include individual and group work, where students are asked to work with the concepts, theories and constructs of the course.

The syllabus and schedule will be available on Learn at the beginning of the semester.
Feedback i undervisningen
Students will receive feedback online and/or during on-campus classes in written or oral format, both by peers and by the teacher. Students are particularly encouraged to help each other, both through online forums and group work.
One on-campus class in the mid-term will be particularly dedicated to feedback on the overall learning progress, including teacher-to-students and students-to-teacher feedback.
Forelæsninger 27 timer
Øvelser 18 timer
Foreløbig litteratur


  • Isabelle Szmigin & Maria Piacentini (2018): Consumer Behaviour. Oxford University Press. 2nd edition. ISBN 978-0-19-878623-8
  • Selected journal articles/book chapters: Links/excerpts will be available on Learn at the beginning of the semester.


Specific reading instructions will be given at the beginning of the course.

Sidst opdateret den 14-12-2018