2019/2020 KAN-CPHIO3000U CSR - Managing the Social Impact of Business
English Title | |
CSR - Managing the Social Impact of Business |
Course information |
Language | English |
Course ECTS | 7.5 ECTS |
Type | Mandatory |
Level | Full Degree Master |
Duration | One Quarter |
Start time of the course | Third Quarter |
Timetable | Course schedule will be posted at calendar.cbs.dk |
Study board |
Study Board for BSc/MSc in Business Administration and
Philosophy, MSc
Course coordinator | |
Main academic disciplines | |
Teaching methods | |
Last updated on 20-03-2020 |
Relevant links |
Learning objectives | ||||||||||||||||||||||
To achieve the grade 12, students should meet the
following learning objectives with no or only minor mistakes or
Examination | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Course content, structure and pedagogical approach | ||||||||||||||||||||||
The aim of the course is to provide students with in-depth
knowledge of current developments in the broad field of CSR
(corporate social responsibility). Students will be working on
corporate cases and discussing topics such as globalization and
global governance, global supply chains, business-NGO partnerships,
organizational implementation of responsible business practices,
and the value and limits of strategic approaches to CSR. Apart from
viewing CSR as a global concern, the course will contextualize
debates around responsible business by emphasizing country- and
industry-specific concerns. Intellectually and philosophically, the
course provides students with an opportunity to familiarize
themselves with the frontiers of knowledge in the field as
many of the most significant recent research contributions are read
and discussed.
Description of the teaching methods | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Class time will include lectures, occasional presentations by the students and discussion groups in which students will explore theoretical perspectives and apply them to specific cases. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Feedback during the teaching period | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Students will be asked to develop a short case,
individually or in groups. They can choose to focus on a particular
company or a particular event that they find interesting. They then
have to pick four readings to underpin their analysis of the case -
two from the course curriculum and two of their own choosing. They
will present their case and design for the analysis in the plenary
and get feedback from faculty and fellow students. They will also
have opportunity to get feedback from faculty on their case
analysis before presenting it.
Student workload | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Expected literature | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Indicative literature (incomplete):
Christensen, L.T., Morsing, M. & Thyssen, O. (2013): CSR as aspirational talk. Organisation, 20(3), 1‐22.
Donaldson, T. (1996). Values in Tension: Ethics Away from Home. Harvard Business Review, 74(5), 48-62.
Hansen, H.K. (2011). Managing Corruption Risk. Review of International Political Economy, 18(1), 251-275.
Lawrence, A.T. (2010). Managing Disputes with nonmarket Stakeholders: Wage a Fight, Withdraw, Wait, or Work It Out?. California Management Review, 53(1), 90-113.
Locke, R., Fei, Q. & Brause, A. (2007). Does monitoring improve labor standards? Lessons from Nike. Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 61, 3-31.
Matten, D. and Moon, J. (2008). “Implicit” and “explicit” CSR: A conceptual framework for a comparative understanding of corporate social responsibility. Academy of Management Review, 33(2), 404-424.
Paine, L.S. (1994). Managing for Organizational Integrity. Harvard Business Review, 72(2), 106-117.
Painter-Morland, M. & ten Bos, R. (2016). Should Environmental Concern Pay Off? A Heideggerian Perspective. Organization Studies, 37(4), 547-564.
Painter-Morland, M. (2011). Rethinking Responsible Agency in Corporations: Perspectives from Deleuze and Guattari. Journal of Business Ethics, 101, Supplement 1, 83-95.
Rasche, A. (2010). The Limits of Corporate Responsibility Standards. Business Ethics: A European Review, 19(3): 280–91.
Rasche, A., Morsing, M. & Moon, J. (2017). The Changing Role of Business in Global Society: CSR and Beyond, in: Rasche, A., Morsing, M. & Moon, J. (eds.) (2017). Corporate Social Responsibility – Strategy, Communication, Governance. Cambridge University Press.
Roberts, J. (2003). The manufacture of corporate social responsibility: constructing corporate sensibility. Organization, 10(2), 249-65.
Robinson, J. (2004). Squaring the circle? Some thoughts on the idea of sustainable development. Ecological Economics, 48, 369-384.
Scherer, A.G. and Palazzo, G. (2007). Toward a political conception of corporate responsibility: Business and society seen from a Habermasian perspective. Academy of Management Review, 32, 1096-1120.
Scherer, A.G., Rasche, A., Palazzo, G. & Spicer, A. (2016). Managing for Political Corporate Social Responsibility: New Challenges and Directions for PCSR 2.0. Journal of Management Studies, 053(3), 273-298.
Vallentin, S. (2015). Instrumental and Political Currents in the CSR Debate: On the Demise and (Possible) Resurgence of ‘ethics’. In: Pullen, A. and Rhodes, C. (eds.): The Routledge Companion to Ethics, Politics and Organizations (pp. 13-31). London: Routledge.
Course information |
Language | English |
Course ECTS | 7.5 ECTS |
Type | Mandatory |
Level | Full Degree Master |
Duration | One Quarter |
Start time of the course | Third Quarter |
Timetable | Course schedule will be posted at calendar.cbs.dk |
Study board |
Study Board for BSc/MSc in Business Administration and
Philosophy, MSc
Course coordinator | |
Main academic disciplines | |
Teaching methods | |
Last updated on 20-03-2020 |
Relevant links |