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2019/2020  MA-MMFUV1027U  Digitalization of Finance

English Title
Digitalization of Finance


Sprog Dansk
Kursets ECTS 6 ECTS
Type Valgfag
Niveau Master
Varighed Et semester
Starttidspunkt Efterår
Tidspunkt Skemaet bliver offentliggjort på calendar.cbs.dk
Min. antal deltagere 10
Max. antal deltagere 30
Studienævnet for Master i forretningsudvikling
  • Jonas Hedman - Institut for Digitalisering
Primære fagområder
  • Finansiering/Finance
  • Informationsteknologi/Information technology
  • Tilstedeværelsesundervisning
Sidst opdateret den 10-12-2019

Relevante links

In order to achieve the grade 12, the participants must with none or few immaterial shortcomings meet the following objectives:
  • Exhibit knowledge of the digitalization of finance and its key drivers
  • Exhibit an understanding of how competition is changing the financial sector and how digitalization, new competitors, and digital technologies influence this change.
  • Show ability to the apply theories and models of the theme to digital technologies, your own organization, or its competitors.
Digitalization of Finance:
Prøvens ECTS 6
Prøveform Skriftligt produkt udarbejdet hjemme
Individuel eller gruppeprøve Individuel prøve
Omfang af skriftligt produkt Max. 10 sider
Opgavetype Rapport
Varighed Skriftligt produkt afleveres på en fastsat dato og tidspunkt.
Bedømmelsesform 7-trins-skala
Bedømmer(e) En eksaminator
Eksamensperiode Vinter
Samme prøveform som ved ordinær prøve
Beskrivelse af eksamensforløbet

The course exam is a written report addressing a specific exam task that directly links to learning objectives and classroom interactions.

The specific topic of the report is communicated to the students during class.


A feedback day will be organized to allow participants to present and get feedback on their report ideas. The participants are required to hand-in a an outline of their report in connection with the feedback day as well prepare a written peer-review of the partnering participant's outline. The peer-review should be handed in as annex to the report and will be considered as part of the examination, during grading.

Kursets indhold, forløb og pædagogik

Digital technologies are fundamentally transforming the ways in which organizations create value from business activities, processes, products, and services. The financial sector is no exception, actually it is one of the most digitalized industries. Interestingly, the financial sector was one of the most stable and conservative industries, but is now facing dramatic changes. This course focuses on the new digital reality that the financial industry faces, including the thousands of FinTech startups that are challenging the stability of the industry, the Internet giants like Apple, Google, Amazon, and Alibaba that are rushing to claim a piece of the pie, the new technologies that fundamentally transform banking processes, and the regulatory changes that force the industry to open up. All these changes must be understood to ensure a prosperous and healthy financial sector.


This course will focus on the ways in which digital technologies are changing the rules of competition in finance. Instead of competing on scale and fortified business positions, competition is turning to speed and novelty of digital innovations. Instead of competing only as individual firms, companies compete in ecosystems and through digital platforms. So, in this course we cover how digitalization transforms the rules of competition. We will discuss the role of FinTech that carries this transformation, and how companies in the financial service must develop the means to compete on digital innovation. Furthermore, this course will also revisit the basics of financial industries, namely money and payments.



Beskrivelse af undervisningsformer
This theme will make use of lectures, guest presentations, discussions, simulations, exercises, and workshops
Feedback i undervisningen
Feedback will be given during lectures and exam. The student also have the option of attending a peer-review-feedback session.
Lectures and exam 118 timer
Preparation 32 timer
Sidst opdateret den 10-12-2019