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2022/2023  BA-BHAAI1015U  Introduction to Marketing

English Title
Introduction to Marketing

Course information

Language English
Course ECTS 7.5 ECTS
Type Elective
Level Bachelor
Duration Summer
Start time of the course Summer
Timetable Course schedule will be posted at calendar.cbs.dk
Max. participants 100
Study board
Study Board for BSc in Economics and Business Administration
Course coordinator
  • Johannes Hattula - Department of Marketing (Marketing)
For academic questions related to the course, please contact course responsible Johannes Hattula (jha.marktg@cbs.dk).
Main academic disciplines
  • Marketing
Teaching methods
  • Face-to-face teaching
Last updated on 16-11-2022

Relevant links

Learning objectives
To achieve the grade 12, students should meet the following learning objectives with no or only minor mistakes or errors.
On successful completion of this course, students should be able to:
  • Describe the key elements of the marketing mix and demonstrate how they fit within an organisation's marketing strategy
  • Compare alternative theories of consumer behaviour and contrast how they influence marketing activities
  • Examine the practical implications of core marketing theory including marketing empirical generalisations such as the Double Jeopardy and Duplication of Purchase laws.
  • Identify marketing problems in business situations using marketing research and marketing metrics
  • Describe the role of the marketer and the marketer's contribution to the direction of the organisation and society at large
Course prerequisites
Introduction to Marketing:
Exam ECTS 7,5
Examination form Written sit-in exam on CBS' computers
Individual or group exam Individual exam
Assignment type Written assignment
Duration 4 hours
Grading scale 7-point grading scale
Examiner(s) One internal examiner
Exam period Summer, Course and exam timetable is/will be available on https:/​/​www.cbs.dk/​uddannelse/​international-summer-university-programme-isup/​courses-and-exams
Aids Closed book: no aids
However, at all written sit-in exams the student has access to the basic IT application package (Microsoft Office (minus Excel), digital pen and paper, 7-zip file manager, Adobe Acrobat, Texlive, VLC player, Windows Media Player), and the student is allowed to bring simple writing and drawing utensils (non-digital). PLEASE NOTE: Students are not allowed to communicate with others during the exam.
Make-up exam/re-exam
Same examination form as the ordinary exam
If the number of registered candidates for the make-up examination/re-take examination warrants that it may most appropriately be held as an oral examination, the programme office will inform the students that the make-up examination/re-take examination will be held as an oral examination instead.
Retake exam: 4 hour written sit-in exam, new exam question.
Exam form for 3rd attempt (2nd retake): The second retake is always an online oral exam (20 minutes online oral exam with no preparation time) with one internal examiner and an internal co-examiner, no matter the exam form of the ordinary and 1st retake exam.
Course content, structure and pedagogical approach

This course provides an introduction to the marketing function of the organisation. Identifying and meeting the needs of clients and customer groups is critical to achieving organisational goals. This course provides an overview of the theories and principles of marketing, which are supported by marketing science. The focus is on how organisations identify the needs of their target markets, understand the buying behaviour of their target markets, and develop a marketing mix to satisfy the needs and wants of these markets. While the course has a theoretical base that is underpinned by a marketing science approach, practical application of the concepts of marketing is an essential element.

Assessments for the course will involve:
A preliminary multiple-choice test at session 1 (not graded)
Check your understanding quizzes (not graded)
A final exam (100% of your grade based on this)


Class 1: Introduction & The Marketing Environment
Class 2: Consumer & Business Buying Behaviour
Class 3: Customer Segmentation, Targeting, & Positioning
Class 4: Meaningful Marketing Metrics & Research
Class 5: Product (Goods & Services)
Class 6: Pricing (and Discounting)
Feedback activities
Class 7: Place (Physical Availability, Retailing, & Shopping)
Class 8: Promotions (Advertising & Media Decisions)
Class 9: Global Marketing
Class 10: Ethics, CSR, and Social Marketing
Class 11: Comprehensive Review
Description of the teaching methods
The course is designed to be highly interactive and build upon principles of active learning. Students are expected to comment on readings, lead discussions, and are invited to do group exercises throughout the course.
Feedback during the teaching period
Feedback will be provided from the teacher and through group exercises.
Student workload
Preliminary assignment 20 hours
Classroom attendance 38 hours
Preparation 121 hours
Feedback activity 7 hours
Examination 20 hours
Further Information

Ordinary 6 weeks course


Preliminary Assignment: The Nordic-9 pre-course is foundational for the summer university and identical for all bachelor courses. Students will receive an invitation with all details by the end of May. The assignment has two parts. 1.) online lectures and tutorials that student can access at their own time and 2.) one synchronous workshop which will be offered both online and in-person at several dates and times before the official start of the summer university courses. Sign-up is first come first serve. All students are expected to complete this assignment before classes begin.


We reserve the right to cancel the course if we do not get enough applications. This will be communicated on https://www.cbs.dk/uddannelse/international-summer-university-programme-isup/courses-and-exams in start March.”

Expected literature

Mandatory readings:


Sharp (2017) Marketing: Theory, Evidence, Practice. 2nd ed. Oxford University Press.


Additional relevant readings:


Additional readings will be provided on Canvas


Last updated on 16-11-2022