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2024/2025  KAN-CCMVV2406U  Corporate Political Responsibility in Theory and Practice

English Title
Corporate Political Responsibility in Theory and Practice

Course information

Language English
Course ECTS 7.5 ECTS
Type Elective
Level Full Degree Master
Duration One Quarter
Start time of the course First Quarter
Timetable Course schedule will be posted at calendar.cbs.dk
Max. participants 150
Study board
Study Board for cand.merc. and GMA (CM)
Course coordinator
  • Jeremy Moon - Department of Management, Society and Communication (MSC)
Main academic disciplines
  • CSR and sustainability
  • Philosophy and ethics
  • Political Science
Teaching methods
  • Blended learning
Last updated on 04-02-2024

Relevant links

Learning objectives
What Corporate Political Responsibility means; how its meaning has changed.
  • How Corporate Political Responsibility is used in claims and debates about corporate responsibility.
  • What distinguishes political responsibilities from other corporate social responsibilities?
  • The arguments for and against corporations undertaking political responsibilities?
  • The issues that arise for business and politics when corporations do undertake political responsibilities, e.g.,: i) in democracies and non-democracies ii) at home and abroad iii) in selected issue areas (e.g. taxation, provision of critical infrastructure, human rights iv) in selected policy processes (e.g. elections, lobbying, administration.
  • The public and private institutions that enable Corporate Political Responsibility to be organized, and to what effect?
Course prerequisites
Corporate Political Responsibility in Theory and Practice:
Exam ECTS 7,5
Examination form Home assignment - written product
Individual or group exam Individual exam
Size of written product Max. 15 pages
Assignment type Essay
Release of assignment The Assignment is released in Digital Exam (DE) at exam start
Duration 2 weeks to prepare
Grading scale 7-point grading scale
Examiner(s) One internal examiner
Exam period Autumn
Make-up exam/re-exam
Same examination form as the ordinary exam
*if the student fails the ordinary exam the course coordinator chooses whether the student will have to hand in a revised product for the re- take or a new project.
Description of the exam procedure

The exam will be set to require students to produce an essay style assignment examining and applying the concept of Corporate Political Responsibility to a corporation of their choice.  Students will get guidance on completing the assignment throughout the course. 

Course content, structure and pedagogical approach

The Course will address questions as to what responsibilities Corporate Political Responsibility brings, why, how and with what implications and consequences? 


The Course will critically review different conceptions of Corporate Political Responsibility in the theoretical literatures, particularly to consider the ways in which these relate to / differ from broader corporate social responsibility theory, and to consider the normative aspects of corporate claims to be taking political responsibility. One particular conception of Corporate Political Responsibility (e.g. Corporate Citizenship) will be examined in-depth. The Course will examine particular issue areas in which questions of Corporate Political Responsibility do, or potentially, apply: e.g. lobbying, taxation, governance responsibility in global value chains. It will examine public and private institutions in which Corporate Political Responsibility takes place.

Description of the teaching methods
Interactive Lectures based on prior reading
Group exercises in class
Debates in class
Guest speakers particularly around practice issue areas
Feedback during the teaching period
Feedback will be given to students after class exercises and, individually, as students prepare for the assignment.

Following Mid-term evaluation, particular needs for feedback can be identified and responded to.
Student workload
10 X 3 hour lectures 30 hours
Exam preparation + assignment 33 hours
Reading and preparation during course 143 hours
Expected literature

To be provided in advance of the course.

Last updated on 04-02-2024