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2024/2025  KAN-CPSYO1603U  Project Management

English Title
Project Management

Course information

Language English
Course ECTS 7.5 ECTS
Type Mandatory
Level Full Degree Master
Duration One Quarter
Start time of the course Third Quarter
Timetable Course schedule will be posted at calendar.cbs.dk
Study board
Study Board for BSc/MSc in Business Administration and Psychology, MSc
Course coordinator
  • Joana Geraldi - Department of Organization (IOA)
Main academic disciplines
  • Management
  • Organisation
  • Project and change management
Teaching methods
  • Blended learning
Last updated on 05-03-2025

Relevant links

Learning objectives
  • Contrast two different theoretical perspectives on project management (tight and loosely coupled), and their implications for the selection and application of management tools and concepts.
  • Explain, critique and combine concepts related to the managerial levers discussed in class.
  • Apply appropriate tools, concepts, models and theories to analyze project cases and make recommendations to practice.
  • Critically engage with the ambiguous notion of project success, and address its myriad tensions and ethical dilemmas in general and in specific projects.
  • Develop your own angle or insights related to projects based on the critique and combination of concepts from the syllabus.
Prerequisites for registering for the exam (activities during the teaching period)
Number of compulsory activities which must be approved (see section 13 of the Programme Regulations): 1
Compulsory home assignments
Podcast made in groups of 3-4 students.
Exam ECTS 7,5
Examination form Written sit-in exam on CBS' computers
Individual or group exam Individual exam
Assignment type Written assignment
Duration 4 hours
Grading scale 7-point grading scale
Examiner(s) One internal examiner
Exam period Spring
Aids Limited aids, see the list below:
The student is allowed to bring
  • USB key for uploading of notes, books and compendiums in a non-executable format (no applications, application fragments, IT tools etc.)
  • Any calculator
  • In Paper format: Books (including translation dictionaries), compendiums and notes
The student will have access to
  • Access to Canvas
  • Access to the personal drive (S-drive) on CBS´ network
  • Advanced IT application package
Make-up exam/re-exam
Same examination form as the ordinary exam
The number of registered candidates for the make-up examination/re-take examination may warrant that it most appropriately be held as an oral examination. The programme office will inform the students if the make-up examination/re-take examination instead is held as an oral examination including a second examiner or external examiner.
Course content, structure and pedagogical approach

Projects are vehicles to get visions translated into action and change status quo. They are therefore fundamental to address our grand challenges. For example, containing and responding to climate change requires a portfolio of projects such as the development of new technologies, mega infrastructure projects such as the energy islands, marketing campaigns to make us change our consumption habits, and many others.

This course aims at enhancing participants’ knowledge about project management, while fostering a reflexive approach to the subject and its practice.


The course will introduce two different theoretical perspectives on project management: one represents the traditional view on project management, clearly portrayed in international standards and most textbooks. This perspective represents a close connection with analytical thinking and assumes that projects can be planned upfront and controlled. The other perspective represents the so called ‘Scandinavian school’ of project management, which on the one hand acknowledges the need for classic planning tools and methods, but also reflects on the need for flexibility and co-creation to cope with the high uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity of projects. We call them tightly and loosely coupled perspectives, respectively.

We then bring the two theoretical perspectives into four managerial practices that every project practitioner will do:

  1. Aiming: why are we doing this project? Develop project vision, purpose, scope, and connect it with plan.
  2. Collaborating: who are we working with and for? Engage with people within and outside the project, and thinking critically about project objectives while also develop constructive collaborations to enable the project, for example, attracting relevant stakeholders, and accommodating different and volatile requirements from different stakeholders.
  3. Coordinating: how are we doing the work? Who is doing what and when? How much does it cost? Coordinate work of different people and organizations through e.g. roles, schedules and milestones.
  4. Adapting: What if? What now? Prevent, adapt and learn from uncertainty and changes in projects and between projects.

The two perspectives and four project practices form a 2x4 matrix that will guide the course.

Surrounding this matrix are three components.

Project Society: Projects are part of our daily life - both our professional and private life, what we term a ‘Project Society’. Organizing life through projects creates ethical dilemmas, such as the ‘use’ of projects to accomplish other aims, or the misrepresentation of project benefits to deliver societal value. We will discuss these dilemmas and encourage the students to reflect on their values and stances to cope with challenging choices.

Context: no project is an island. We will explore how projects are embedded in their local contexts, and what project managers can do to cope and create value in line with its context. 

Project Success: projects are plagued by tales of failures and disasters, some even say that being a project manager is a recipe to end one’s career. Yet, despite the apart failures, we, as a society, reply more and more in projects. Projects are indeed short-term vehicles to deliver long-term prosperity. Why are projects then considered to be such a failure? Are they really failing or are they being unfairly evaluated? We will discuss and critically engage with the important and ethical understanding of project success.

Description of the teaching methods
We will use a combination of the following teaching methods:
• Reading: Reading instructions will guide individual reading of the material in preparation to classes.
• Lecturers: We will have classic lectures, discussing the material, contextualizing the texts and its potential application to contemporary challenges and illustrating it based on project cases. Lectures are in two formats, online short lecturers focused on the content of the course, and longer face-to-face lectures where we will melt content engagement with exercises and guest lecturers.
• Guest lecturers: Project managers and academics will present rich project cases, that will be discussed in light of the course material, and thereby encourage the students to leverage their analytical knowledge to create value to ‘real life’ issues.
• Group work: students are expected to work in their groups during our face-to-face classes, capture core message and concepts of each text, contrast texts and apply insights into project cases. The discussions will form the basis for the development of one podcast about project management. You will read one article and develop a podcast related to that article. Excellent podcast will be used for the next years, and will be available in the platform: doing-projects.org.
Feedback during the teaching period
The students will receive feedback in two formats:
Ongoing: The lecturer will provide ongoing feedback on exercise classes when assisting each group’s development and discussing their analysis of the readings. The teacher will continuously challenge the students to capture core project management ideas, understand its assumptions and be curious about potential new angles and concepts. Such in-depth discussions aim to help students think critically and be curious about potential new angles and understandings of projects.
Feedback on your podcast: you will receive a feedback on your podcast.

Student workload
lectures and exercise classes (including video lectures and guest lectures) 30 hours
groupwork and peer review 35 hours
reading and preparation 40 hours
Expected literature

Readings are available in Canvas (Course Reading function). They are a combination of journal articles and book chapters.

Reading will follow the structure of the course and is detailed in Canvas.


Last updated on 05-03-2025