Arkiverede Kurser : Studienævnet for BSc og MSc in Business, Language and Culture - 2011/2012

Arkiv2011/2012Studienævnet for BSc og MSc in Business, Language and Culture

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BA-BLC_1ACWAcademic Writing
BA-BLC_1GLSGlobalisation Studies
BA-BLC_1PROFirst Year Project
BA-BLC_1QBRQuantitative business research
BA-BLC_2IECInternational Economics and Competitiveness
BA-BLC_3AFAAccounting and Financial Analysis
BA-BLC_3BSSBusiness, Strategies and Stakeholder Impact
BA-BLC_3CEOCulture, Economy, Organisation
BA-BLC_3COFCorporate Finance
BA-BLC_3CRECreative Industries
BA-BLC_3GEGGlobal Economic Governance
BA-BLC_3GSMGlobal Strategic Management
BA-BLC_3METMarketing – The Essentials and the Trend Drivers
BA-BLC_3NMENew Media, Brand and Reputation Management
BA-BLC_3OCCOrganisation and Corporate Communication
BA-BLC_3PROThird Year Project
BA-BLC_3SCSStrategic Corporate Social Responsibility – Sustainability Challenges of Tomorrows Businesses
BA-BLC_BAS1British & American studies 1: Britain and the US in the age of globalisation
BA-BLC_BAS2British and American Studies 2
BA-BLC_FS1French Studies 1
BA-BLC_FS2French Studies 2
BA-BLC_FS3French Studies 3
BA-BLC_GS1German Studies 1
BA-BLC_GS2German Studies 2
BA-BLC_GS3German Studies 3
BA-BLC_IRMInterdisciplinary Research Methods
BA-BLC_SS1Spanish Studies 1
BA-BLC_SS2Spanish Studies 2
BA-BLC_SS3Spanish Studies 3
KAN-CBL_3SAGStrategic Approaches to Global Social Impact
KAN-CBL_BSDCBusiness strategy in Developing Countries and Emerging Markets
KAN-CBL_CSRIACorporate Social Responsibility in Action: A Path to Sustainable Development?
KAN-CBL_DIMADiversity Management – Diversity, Gender and Equality in Organisations
KAN-CBL_DSGEDevelopment Strategy in a Global Economy
KAN-CBL_ENDEEntrepreneurship for Development
KAN-CBL_FDIPManaging Foreign Direct Investment in Developming Coutries
KAN-CBL_GICHGovernance and Institutions in Chinese Context
KAN-CBL_GIFRGovernance and Institutions in French Context
KAN-CBL_GIGEGovernance and Institutions in German Context
KAN-CBL_GIJAGovernance and Institutions in Japanese Context
KAN-CBL_GISPGovernance and Institutions in Spanish Context
KAN-CBL_IBECInternational Business and Economic Development
KAN-CBL_LMACLeadership and Management in Action
KAN-CBL_LMPLeading and Managing Projects
KAN-CBL_LTP Leadership Theory and Practice
KAN-CBL_MCSRManaging Cultures as Strategic Resources
KAN-CBL_MDIManaging Development Intervention
KAN-CBL_OMCHOrganizing and Managing in Regional Context – Chinese
KAN-CBL_OMFRManaging and Organizing in Regional Context – French Studies
KAN-CBL_OMGEOrganising and Managing in Regional Context – German Studies. Creative Industries in German speaking countries*
KAN-CBL_OMJAOrganizing and Managing in Regional Context – Japanese
KAN-CBL_OMSPOrganización y Gestión en el Contexto Regional
KAN-CBL_PDPSPoverty, Development and the Private Sector
KAN-CBL_PSMSThe Power of Social media for Social Good
KAN-CBL_RMWSResearch Methods and Writing Strategies
KAN-CBL_SOMWStrategizing, Organizing and Managing Work
KAN-CBL_VFIFinancial Intelligence
KAN-CMI_CEMCCEMS: Managing Cultures Within and Across Organisational Boundaries