Arkiverede Kurser : BUS Studienævnet for HA/cand.merc. i erhvervsøkonomi og informationsteknologi, MSc - 2021/2022

Arkiv2021/2022BUS Studienævnet for HA/cand.merc. i erhvervsøkonomi og informationsteknologi, MSc

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KAN-CBUSO1001UStrategic and Tactical Tools for E-Business
KAN-CBUSO1002UEU Internet Law
KAN-CBUSO1005UPerspectives on E-Business Research
KAN-CBUSO1801UIntroduction to Programming and Application Design
KAN-CBUSO2000UMaster's Thesis
KAN-CBUSV1101UE-Business Project, Technical
KAN-CBUSV1102UE-Business Project, Business
KAN-CBUSV1103UE-Business Project, Policy Law
KAN-CBUSV1701UDigital Platforms (B)
KAN-CBUSV1705UUnderstanding and Regulating Data-Driven Business Models (P)
KAN-CBUSV1706UDigital Transformation of Work (B)
KAN-CBUSV1707UCybersecurity Policy: international politics and technology in the age of cyber conflict (P)
KAN-CBUSV2022UDigital Entrepreneurship (B)
KAN-CBUSV2025UDesigning Business IT (T)
KAN-CBUSV2028UArtificial Intelligence in Business and Society (T)
KAN-CBUSV2031UBig Social Data Analytics (T)
KAN-CBUSV2032UDigital Transformation Management (T)
KAN-CBUSV2033UBusiness Cyber Security: Analyzing and responding to threats in a digital world (B)
KAN-CBUSV2034UDigital Marketing Strategy and Technology (B)
KAN-CBUSV2035UUX in Organizations (T)
KAN-CBUSV2036UApplying Data Analytics in Digital Business (B)
KAN-CBUSV2037UService Design and Innovation (T)
KAN-CBUSV2038UFoundations of Digital Ventures (B)