Archived Courses : Study Board for MA in International Business Communication - 2013/2014

Archive2013/2014Study Board for MA in International Business Communication

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KAN-CLM-LDUThe modern geopolitical concepts of Euro-Atlantic integration
KAN-IBCMCOJSTranslating Legal Texts
KAN-IBCMCOTSTranslating Technical Texts
KAN-MAIBC_MCO1Culture, Identity and Organization
KAN-MAIBC_MCO2Strategic Communication; Exchanges,Conflicts and Agreements in the Organization (Employee Communication)
KAN-MAIBC_MCO3Knowledge Work within and between Organizations: Barriers and Brokers
KAN-MAIBCMCOOSTranslating Financial and Economic Texts
KAN-MLE_KANMaster’s thesis
KAN-MLE_S1_ENSamfund, politik og erhvervsliv (KUN Engelsk)
KAN-MLE_S1_FSTSamfund, politik og erhvervsliv
KAN-MLE_S2ENOrd og tekst i kontekst (KUN Engelsk)
KAN-MLE_S2FSTOrd og tekst i kontekst (FR, SP, TY)
KAN-MLE_SPROG3Intersproglig vidensformidling (EN, FR, TY, SP)
KAN-MLE_SPROG4Mundtlig interaktion (EN, FR, TY, SP)
KAN-MLEAM_AS1Politics and Society in the USA and/or Latin America
KAN-MLEAM_AS2Cultures and Identities in the Americas
KAN-MLEAM_AS3Markets of the Western Hemisphere
KAN-MLEEU_ES1Europas 20. århundrede – strømninger og institutioner
KAN-MLEEU_ES2Europæiske politiske, juridiske og økonomiske værdier – i og uden for Europa.
KAN-MLEEU_ES3Enhed og mangfoldighed – sprog og kulturer i Europa.
KAN-MLEEU_ES4Internationale relationer – Europa i verden.
KAN-MLEIM_IKM1Marketingstrategi og -planlægning i et internationalt perspektiv
KAN-MLEIM_IKM2Forbrugerkultur og -kommunikation
KAN-MLEIM_IKM3Interkulturel organisationsadfærd, forretningsadfærd og ledelse
KAN-MLEIM_IKM4Projekt i interkulturel marketing
KAN-MLETOT_TT3Juridisk sprog
KAN-MLM_21Terminology and terminology databases with examples from economic/financial language
KAN-MLM_44Globalisation, European integration, business and public affairs / lobbying
KAN-MLM_45Terminologi – Nordisk webbaseret kursus
KAN-MLM_47Fra idé til Kandidatafhandling
KAN-MLM_55Spin or fair speak - when foods talk
KAN-MLM_56EU's klimapolitiske udvikling – Udfordringerne i klimapolitikken set i dansk, europæisk og globalt perspektiv
KAN-MLM_57Det kulturmentale univers i sprog og kommunikation
KAN-MLM_61Postwar Europe
KAN-MLM_67Økonomi og politik i EU
KAN-MLM_70The European Union as an International Actor – Themes and Debates
KAN-MLM_72The Digital Enterprise: Communication and Marketing Strategies for the Internet
KAN-MLM_73Management and Employee Communication
KAN-MLM_74Applied Culture & Identity Theory
KAN-MLM_76The Spanish crisis in its European Context
KAN-MLM_ELØkonomi og politik i EU
KAN-MLM_KLNEurope in the Cold War
KAN-MLM_V03Managing Knowledge, Communication and Innovation using Social Media
KAN-MLM_VSSpin or fair speak - when foods talk